whats your nick name

whats in a name - every1 has a nick name....
@catch_me (930)
February 15, 2007 9:59am CST
everyone has two name i think...so lets share your nick name here..whts you been called by your nearer n dearer ones....n whats your official name.......
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5 responses
• India
26 Feb 07
hmmm my parents use to call me "babu",,n others in my family"ammu"...my frends use to say the same...but ma galfren"janu"..hehe......and my official name ofcourse its "amit"..its all i have....
• Bermuda
16 Feb 07
I have many nick names....King Cheeko, King Of Hearts, Cheeko The Wall....i dunno why...not that people call me these...i juss use em for internet stuff...I do be called Cheeko every now and then by friends and family!
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• India
26 Feb 07
Sorry dear I do not have nick name. I am called Pramod only. It is my real and nick name both. What about you, you have not revealed your name and nick name too. Please do tell us, if you do not mind in telling.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Good topic. I've had many nicknames. When I was working at an amusement park in Ohio USA I dated a girl who's father owned the spaghetti stand so I was tagged with LUIGI as a nickname. I worked at a factory years ago & when they bought us all company jackets with their logo they asked what name we wanted embroidered on the lapel. I said Bob O. They asked me a capital "b"? I replied yes. So my jacket came back reading "BoBo" That was my nickname for many years. Now I have a tendancy to whack things when my temper gets the best of me so my friends at A.A. call me "Whacker Bob". My wife & I when we dtaed called each other "Dippy" & I was "Duey". I even went as far as posting messages in the local paper to Dippy from Duey. Now days my family has no nickname for me other than BOB. I kind of miss the pet names at times. Thanks for this topic.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Oh my gawd I forgot one of the most important nicknames now that I think about it. My online name is webeishereagain. On AOL most people call me "WEBE" in the chat rooms & in IMs. I'm even thinking of getting a vanity license plate that reads "WEBE 1" or something along those lines. Thanks again.
• United States
15 Feb 07
In grade school and high school, people called me Murphy or Murph...my maiden name is Murphy. To this day, the people I graduated HS with will call me Murph. LOL They are the only ones, though.
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