GotD lacking in their offerings?

@Araiya (61)
United States
February 15, 2007 2:52pm CST
It seems that after the first month or so, the offerings of software and games at GiveawayOfTheDay has shriveled up to just a few types of software, rotated on a daily basis. I've seen many audio conversion and editing softwares, some screensavers, a few registry cleaners, among things, but nothing that would make me scream if I lost the free install, and drive me to actually buy the software. The games portion of their site is no exception, suffering from roughly the same issues. All they ever seem to post is an arkanoid clone, or a Bejeweled clone, with the occasional different game to break the monotony when people start complaining fervently over the peckish offerings. Am I the only one who has thought this of Giveaway of the Day, and what would you do to improve on it?
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