Is the earth nearing end?

@mayshoe (606)
February 16, 2007 1:59am CST
do you think the vanishing of 2000 sq miles of ice in antratica, the frequent earthquakes and Tsumani are the ringing bells of end of earth..................
3 responses
@gharinder (2044)
• India
17 Feb 07
its not the end of earth, but this ringing bells do indicate to be more cautious and eco-friendly, just alarming us before it is too late
• Egypt
16 Feb 07
Only ALLAH knows!.
@mhv236690 (341)
• India
16 Feb 07
i dont think it is coming to an end u see when man was born there was a destruction that led to the deat of dinosaurs ,now may be its our turn to die and give way for some other creatures to come and take over the planet!!may be its just that go dsai not 1 creature can be the ruler all the time!!so mayb this is his way of telling that we should die but not the earth