why are we in iraq?

United States
February 16, 2007 7:57am CST
why are we in iraq? i think we should be there because some of the people there haven't set foot outside since the early eighties. it doesn't help when rogue soldiers rape inocent woman. i mean i am an american but, some of the things we have done and are doing don't nessasarily please me. some people are just stupid i guess. what do you think?
1 response
@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
23 Apr 07
We are in Iraq because Bush wants to finish what his daddy started. On the assumption of protecting American's because of 9/11, he was planning to invade before 9/11 happened. I was at Fort Irwin at the time, when Bush took office. Our base was (and most likely sitll is) a desert warfare training base. It trained 2,000 soliders a month for desert warfare. 2 days after Bush took office, our base went from training 2,000 soliders to 20,000 soliders. I wasn't personally in the military, but at the time was married to my exhusband and he was. I went to go to the grocery store to get some food on Post and it was cleaned out. The Post had no clue about the surge in troops on the Post until it happened so they didn't have enough food. So the people that lived there all year round had to for over 2 months get most of their grocery shopping done in the next town over which was almost an hour a way. One day I was in the PX and saw the General of the Post and asked him what was up with all the soliders. (I'd been hearing rumors, but never believe rumors until confirmed) He said and I quote. "We are preparing to invade Iraq later in the year. Bush wants to take Sadaum (?sp) out of power. We didn't invade when he wanted to becasue 9/11 happened, but he sure didn't hesiate to use American's fears about terrorism to get suppose to invade Iraq. Personally, I believe Bush let 9/11 happen. I think he knew when and where and let it happened to go to war. To pad his bank account with the increase in oil prices and everything else that came along with it.