Earn thousands of dollars from here

earn thousands of dollars from here - dollars
February 18, 2007 1:07pm CST
http://earn-fast.com/?ref=kimoo Plans: 1% Secondly - one time for each member During 2(Minute) Plan Spent Amount ($) 1(Second) Profit (%) Plan1 $1-$100 0.85% Plan2 $101-$500 0.9% Plan3 $501-$1000 0.95% Plan4 $1001-$5000 1%1% Minutly - 0ne time for each member During 2(Hour) Plan Spent Amount ($) 1(Minute) Profit (%) Plan1 $1-$100 0.85% Plan2 $101-$500 0.9% Plan3 $501-$1000 0.95% Plan4 $1001-$10000 1%10% Hourly During 2(Day) Plan Spent Amount ($) 1(Hour) Profit (%) Plan1 $1-$100 2.5% Plan2 $101-$500 5% Plan3 $501-$1000 7.5% Plan4 $1001-$10000 10%Stats: 2007-01-30 17:03:59 Start Date: 2007-01-25 Running Days: 5 Total accounts: 457 Active accounts: 283 Total Deposit: 24416.28 Today Deposit: 10036.86 Total Withdrawal: 14710.5 Today Withdrawal: 6359.97 Visitors Online: 25 Members Online: 11 Total Visitors: 4464 All plans real work! Look my e-gold history:http://img468.imageshack.us/img468/7761/aaacu8pd9.th.jpg http://earn-fast.com/?ref=kimoo
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