Lord of the Rings...

February 19, 2007 11:12am CST
A passage is the fellowship of the ring, that recently caught my attention while reading the books. iv'e just finished re-reding for the 3rd time, and i also stuck by that particular poem. The one thing which i like about that book is ever time when u re-read it, you will learn something new, and the massage which this booke gave us is worthy to understand and pearl to think. Write ur comments about this book.
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2 responses
@aissar (414)
• Malaysia
9 Jun 07
I love LOTR trilogy. Actually, I love all of Tolkien's works. The Silmarillion is simply amazing. The first time I read LOTR, I was captured by the awesome history and intricate plot that captivated my imagination. I actually read LOTR before I read The Silmarillion, so I went through everything confused about Valar and Earendil and everything. Lol. The Hobbit is simply amazing too. Enough historical intricacies to satisfy the most ardent of Tolkien fan. His works are inspirational, I'd say. Truly wonderful; makes us feel humbled and awed by the constant struggle between Good and Evil. If one were to read it carefully, there are hidden messages inside his works. Marvelous. I've yet to study all of them carefully though. =)
@meighlee (22)
• Philippines
2 Jun 07
i am a big fan of LOTR the movie and have always wanted to get my own copy of the trilogy book but never had any chance bec of my finances. But just like what everyone say, a book has its own way to talk and communicate with the reader and one day i know ill get my own copy of these books. =)