which you like best naruto or bleach?

February 19, 2007 6:04pm CST
the storyline,drawings, powers of the main characters
13 responses
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
naruto's better for me. aside from sasuke being in naruto (hehe), the story is much better, growth of the characters is clearly seen in naruto, cuter charcters in naruto since they are still kids, well not as lil as konohamaru, the jutsus are much cooler, especially the way they perform hand seals. i remember doing the hand seals of one of the jutsus, i even memorized the animal hand seals before.
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
wow! that intrests me a lot that u know some seals...cool, have you seen the latest episodes the storyline are now more interesting...makes you want more...cant wait to watch the match between sasuke and naruto now that they are more skilled and well trained....=)
2 people like this
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
yup, watched the 1st ep of shippuuden last week. i'm now downloading the next episode. about the hand seals, that was before, but then my craze for naruto freezed because of the fillers, but now it's back. naruto's really a great anime. hope they don't make fillers anymore in the future. hehe..
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• Philippines
24 Feb 07
hehehe...yup, hope no more fillers hate them a lot..love the new naruto episodes, garaa looks so strong with this new episodes...isn't he now the new leader of the sand village?
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@ownado (1679)
• Portugal
24 Feb 07
Hi. I can't tell what's the best of them because I've only watched 1 epsiode of Bleach and I've not finished seen the Naruto first series (the fiilers). But I think Naruto has a great story, good fight scenes and good techniques. I've Bleach on my wishlist to watch in the future.
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• Philippines
24 Feb 07
thanks for the response..=) i suggest you also watch bleach because they are both from Dattebayo the one who made naruto...try also demon eyes kyo also a good one..God Bless
1 person likes this
• Portugal
1 Apr 07
Dattebayo is the group that is releasing the Naruto episodes, they are not making them. They are a speed fansub that do a great job releasing Naruto fast and with good quality.
@jep_toyo (1606)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
Hmm a hard question. Sorry dude i cant choose one. I love them both! Have you seen the new episodes of Naruto... he's all big and everything...cant wait to see the new ones. On the other hand. bleach's current episodes makes me drool... Lol...
@kevkentis (590)
• Jamaica
11 Jun 07
I think bleach is cooler and has more action. Ichigo has more sence than naruto in their episodes.
@blee92 (581)
• United States
26 Feb 07
bleach! cause i've only seen bleach and the first four episodes of naruto.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
thanks for the reply..okies .=) i suggest you watch naruto also its a good anime..God Bless
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
The first time I watched Naruto. It already caught my attention and made me watch each episodes. I sometimes see Bleach but it is not worth it. I don't know why.
@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
1 Apr 07
Hard to decide as I like both of them. Well I think I like Naruto more as the full of action Shippudden have started.
@idreams (117)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
naruto was really great. (and i'm talking about the manga here since i haven't been catching up with the anime) but it kinda started sucking after the 3 year gap. bleach was great and is still great. it definitely has the better drawing style. fighting-wise, i kinda like bleach better, but i also like naruto's ingenuity, he always come up with some very cool new ways to do things. so if you don't count the 3-years-later part of naruto, i'd probably rank naruto slightly higher than bleach, but after what i've seen of the 3-years-later (which isn't a lot) i'd have to put bleach first.
@andrika (386)
• Indonesia
5 Mar 07
i like naruto, but i have't seen bleach yet, so i cann't compared them. but i recomended naruto coz i like the story, and drawing. so creative
@laltu86 (1249)
• India
12 Apr 07
I cant comment on that because i dont watch the series but i would like to add here is that you have described story, drawing and power but why not the acting skills and realism in the story. Still Happy viewing .
• United States
8 Apr 07
Both are kind of lame for me now because they all go through some freakish power growth to some insane power level that normal people can't reach. I find that completely stupid as then they are like powerhouses, but still weak compared to the bad guy of the story(i.e. Captain Aizen, Orochimaru).
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
Bleach, most definitely! I like Naruto too... But I love Bleach. I like the way the characters have evolved so far. And I like the comedy. Kon never fails to make me laugh. And the picture book at the end of every episode is just hilarious! Wehehehe.
12 Apr 07
Bleach. I love Bleach. I'm more hooked to it, it's my current phase right now.