Hashimoto's Disease

February 21, 2007 12:32pm CST
Several years back I started putting on weight, although I was active (working as a nanny) and my diet had not changed. No matter what I have done I haven't been able to lose the weight. I attributed this to just getting older and having my metabolism slow down. It seems to happen to all of the women in my family. Recently I've been going through a series of tests at my doctor's office because I've been having symptoms of pregnancy, although the tests kept coming up negative. My doctor ran a bunch of tests including a thyroid test and the results show that I suffer from hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), which he believes may be linked to Hashimoto's Disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes your immune system to attack your thyroid gland. When I read about this disease it described me to a T. It scared me, but at the same time I felt relieved because although there is no cure, it is treatable and possible to live a perfectly normal life. Not only that, once I start treatment this weight will disappear along with my other symptoms. If you suffer any of these symptoms (of hypothyroidism) and you have been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully, I would suggest checking with your doctor: - fatigue or sluggishness - forgetfulness - increased sensitivity to cold - constipation - pale, dry skin - puffy face - hoarse voice - elevated blood cholesterol level - unexplained weight gain - muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in your shoulders and hips - pain, swelling, and/or stiffness in your joints - muscle weakness - excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding - depression For more information about this disease and hypothyroidism go to: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hashimotos-disease/DS00567/DSECTION=1
2 responses
@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I have Hashi. Was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Most of the time I feel what I'd call normal, occasionally my meds are off and I feel a lot of the symptoms associated with Hypothyriodism. I think the biggest thing to know about Hashi is that it is an autoimmune disease and those with one autoimmune disease are more likely than the general population to develop a second. So, pay close attention to your body and if you notice anything odd share it with your doctor. There is also a connection between miscarriage and Hashi. You're more likely to have trouble carrying a baby to term, but just to give you a little peace about this, I've had 2 healthy kids! One was a preemie, but she's healthy and strong. I wish you well!
• Australia
1 Mar 07
Thanks! Yeah, I have one daughter. She is 17 months old now. I had a fine pregnancy with her (except for the morning sickness and all that fun stuff). I did have a problem with labor... lasted about a week and a half and stopped all together when I was only 7 cm dilated (which they are now telling me could have been caused by hypothyroidism). I ended up having a c-section and she was perfectly healthy, so that is all that matters to me. I am trying for my second child now, and the doctor said it should not be a problem, but he said he would want to see me more than just once a month to make sure everything is going ok.
• United States
15 Apr 07
My mother has Hashimoto's and has for years. She is on Synthroid at a constant level, but she still struggles with fatigue everyday. I, myself, have hypothyroidsm and put on 50 pounds in one year! 3 years later, now that my levels are almost regular, it's coming off slowly with diet and exercise.