Death Penalty

United States
February 23, 2007 6:32am CST
Ok, next controversial issue...How do you feel about the death penalty? Is it right or wrong, or right in some cases and wrong in others? What about the method? Are there methods that are unacceptable? Why are they unacceptable? Are there any alternatives to the death penalty?
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1 response
23 Feb 07
i think it is wrong. Who are we to be able to judge someone else so harshly. No one is perfect. If we make a mistake then it is unfair on the person and their family. I'm sure there are better ways of dealing with people.
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• United States
24 Feb 07
What about what the Bible says?
• Canada
15 Mar 07
Who cares what some book written 2000 years ago by men says? Laws should have nothing to do with religion, they should attempt to reflect the best thinking available, rather than simplistic vengance from a more brutal time.