What is the strangest place you have found your cat?

United States
February 23, 2007 7:16pm CST
I would have to say the strangest place i have found my cat is floating around in my fishtank. The fish were undisturbed by her, she wasnt after the fish, she was padding around in there. It was so weird. Any one else find their cats in odd places?
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6 responses
• United States
24 Feb 07
Wow, what a story! That is just too funny. We have found our cat in a drawer. She got underneath the dresser and climbed into a drawer and cried for us to get her out. We had no idea that the bottom of the dresser was hollowed out.
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• United States
24 Feb 07
Mine is forever sleeping in dresser drawers, Ill open a drawer and the cat will be sleeping in there. I still dont know how she does it!
• United States
24 Feb 07
Your cat is too cool! I thought mine was the only one who liked water...she sits on the edge of the tub when I'm in the shower or bath and then jumps in as soon as the water's off. The funniest place she likes to hide is in the computer desk..She will crawl through the opening where the mouse hooks into the tower and get into the closed compartment where the tower is and sleep on the tower. Her other favorite place to hide is in the boxed spring of my bed. She tore a tiny hole in the covering on the bottom and now uses it like a hammock.
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• United States
24 Feb 07
Our cat did the same thing in my daughter's bedroom. He ripped the covering under the box spring and he too uses it as a hammock! Dobby prefers to get into the shower as opposed to the garden tub we have. But he only seems to want to play with the water running down the walls.
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• United States
24 Feb 07
Thats cool hehe :)Cats in the tub, thats awesome!
@chargoans (939)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I have cathedral ceilings in my home. So in the kitchen there are a couple nooks on top of the cabinets, and one on top of my pantry. Don't know how he gets up there, but he nearly caused me to pee all over myself one day, when I found him lurched atop the pantry. I guess it scared me because I had never seen him get to this high vantange point. From here, he has an overall view of the living room, kitchen and dining room. I walked through at the same time he decided he had had enough of this peaceful rest. He jumped down right behind me as I passed the pantry. I nearly jumped out of my skin!
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• United States
24 Feb 07
I have heard that joke! I laughed so hard as I read it (received in email) One of the goals of the cat was to walk through legs of owner near the stairway in attempt to show him who was superior!
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• United States
24 Feb 07
Hehe makes me think of the joke where cats are plotting to take over the world by scaring all the people. What was it... about winding around their legs to get them to fall down stairs.. oh well, its a funny joke.
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
24 Feb 07
My kitten recently crawled inside the cover covering our duvet. It was quite funny because he seemed completely comfy.
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• United States
25 Feb 07
Oh thats cute! I bet he was comfortable. All warm and snug!
@LadyLeene (584)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Oh, my God! That IS strange. ROFLOLOLOLOLOLOL My aunt's cat likes to curl up with the bananas in her fruit baskets, and there was one time when my family was re-paneling the family room that my cat got into the wall. She ended up running back and forth in the crawl-space between the living room floor and the family room ceiling. Also, my mom once had a kitten take a nap on top of her car's tire, though. Good thing she saw her before it was too late! Other than that, just the occasional cat-nap in the bathtub or sink....nothing nearly as good as the fishtank! LOL My sides hurt...
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• United States
24 Feb 07
With bannanas! Thats awesome! Yeah my cat is really strange like that lol.
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@sunny1984 (639)
• India
24 Feb 07
Behind my computer.