Are there any secret shopper jobs that aren't scams?

@lillake (1630)
United States
February 24, 2007 11:47am CST
All that i have seen expect you to pay them for the jobs, but we all know that no real employer wants you to pay them. So are there any secret shopper jobs that are not scams and do not require you to pay them?
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7 responses
@ycswid (279)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I do mystery shops for a company here in Canada but I know that they have shoppers in the US. The company is Sensor Quality Management. The website is . There is no fee to be a shopper. Just fill out the application. It did take almost a year for them to contact me. That is dependent on the area you are in or are willing to work and how many people are needed in that area. The way it works with them is you do the shop during the month (sometimes you do have to make purchases which you get reimbursed for sometimes there is no purchase required) you fill out your report online and then invoice them at the end of the month. You'll receive payment for that invoice at the end of the next month. I can go some months with nothing but then last month was $485. I hope you find this information helpful.
• Canada
1 Mar 07
Yep I work for SQM too. They are a good, reliable, paying company. I highly recomend them though I don't know how mnay US jobs they have,
2 people like this
• United States
24 Feb 07
The best website I have found is the MSPA (Mystery Shopping Prooviders Association). You can find a ton of useful information there. I would suggest if you are serious about mystery shopping to spend the money on the $15.00 on their certificate. I signed up for a few mystery shopping companies but didn't receive any offers until I provided a certficate from MSPA. Most mystery shopping firms actually require when you register. You don't have to get it but it will increase your chances. I am registered with a couple of mystery shopping firms. There aren't any fees to join. You can pick and choose from this website link. I didn't like mystery shopping because it is very tedious. It's not as people think it is. Good luck and I hope it's something you.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Thanks for the information!
2 people like this
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I do a great deal of mystery shopping. I have never paid for a certificate at all. I would receomend going to They have a forum where you can get advice on which companies pay, as well as a thorough listing of companies. These scam companies that want you to pay ... are really just asking you to pay for a list of companies to apply to ... which you can get for free on Volition.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
1 Mar 07
There was one I was just looking into that didn't have a fee to work for them, but you did pay out of pocket on the assignments & then get paid back- I'll find the address for you.
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• Canada
1 Mar 07
Most assignments, if they include a purchase, reuquire you to pay for the item and then get reimbursed. There is some learning curve time, where you learn which purchase assignments are and are not worth our time. There are also lots of assignments that do not include a purchase. My receomendation is join as many companies as you can, then keep your eyes on your emailbox for notification of available assignments.
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@xtina87 (303)
6 Apr 07
hiya, yeah i found 1 a while ago but never actually went through with it. If you are from the UK i can give you the website, you have to pass a little test and things online but its pritty easy and you should get it :) i will post the company when you reply or message me as i kept the email or a job :)
6 Apr 07
I would like to get started in the secret shopper business! I live in the UK and from everything I have read, it seems that you shouldn't really have to pay them any money for doing it. I would be very wary of somewhere asking you for money to register with them.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
6 Apr 07
I am knew to the Mystery Shopping area, but I have done lots of research. I have already responded to the other mystery shopping discussions, so I will keep it short. Never pay - these are scams. Check out the links that the other Mylotters listed abovem and also check out Pat's website, where she shares her knowledge with us newbies - and it is all free.