What is one activity that you would be doing w/ your dog if you could?

@rbd101 (47)
United States
February 24, 2007 2:12pm CST
I imagine myself living in the mountains, in a blue house that I rent by the month. It will have wood floors and yellow curtains. It will be nestled on rolling ground, with a picture perfect view of the appalachian mountains from my bedroom windows, and lush green grass in my front yard. I will have the time to properly maintain and nurture the land. Grass softer than carpet, gardens of flowers straight out of Eden, fruit trees and vegetable patches that produce the yummiest foods. There will be a creek to the side of the house; a gravel path that turns to dirt that winds from a red swingset to through the woods. The creek starts off as just a thin line of sparklig liquid but it soon grows and transforms into a wide stream that is tributary to a deep reiver if you walk far enough. the creek is perfect for cooling off in the heat of summer. sometimes the fish are so plentiful that the dogs play games of who can catch the most. There's never a dry hair on their goofy faces once we are heading home. I will have 9 malamutes and 2 huskies; both rescues that I couldn't bring myself to part with. THere will be space enough for two dozen kennels and boarding rooms, plus a grooming salon bulit into the main Dog House. I wouldn't ever have to worry about sending my dogs away when I leave town. They can stay right at home and I can hire someone to feed and water them. I need two dozen of everything because I am constantly taking in new rescues to nurture. In the back of my mind, I entertain the idea of breeding-- but that is far away. I am content enough with that I have. There will be times when our hiking trips last for three days at a time. Over the mountains, and through the woods... If the path is tricky, I put their leashes on. But for the most part they are allowed to go without. They are great about not wondering too far. There will be training carts and wagons and I will have learned how to sew my own harnesses for the dogs. With the closest neighbors 3 miles away, we will have all the room we need to harness up and go for hours. We especially look foward to the midnight runs, when all is silent except for the chorus of crickets, the hoot of owls, and the occasional lone cry of a coyoted. But it is dark at night, even with the illumination of the moon and stars. I will have a path made especially for these late night trips; it will be guided by boxed lanterns hung off of the trees above us. During the winter is our favorite. Because that is when the snow falls. And when we are sledding through the white cold we are all brought closer to how our ancestors must have felt doing the same thing so many, many years ago. On weekends I'll go into town with a different team of two each time and we will visit nursing homes, children centers and hospitals. Out of all of our activities, this is wha tthe dogs and I enjoy the most. The dogs are always a big hit, even with the gruffiest of old men. They are the most rewarding to interact with. Because try as they might, no matter how hard they play at not caring, the dogs always remind them of being a kid again. Each Saturday I come in and say hello as the mals rush to be petted. I'll get a brusque comment in reply but despite the pretenses, the forgotten smile lines around their eyes will crease and as I listen to their reminiscent stories of younger days, I am reminded myself of how great it feels to have such wonderful malamutes that can make these peoples' day a brighter one. ----What is one dream or activity that you would be doing with your mals or other dogs that you aren't doing now?
1 response
@zubairsk (341)
• India
10 Nov 09
I like Alaskan mutes very much and they are very cute to see.I have one alaskan mute and it is very cute and i love it very much.Everyday i take care about them and their food and diet.Some alaskan mutes are very dangerous for example if any unknown person came it will bark like anything.Whenever i went outside i will keep a chain around its neck and these alaskan mutes are similar to dogs.