Is our society worthy of so many vacations??

@rbd101 (47)
United States
February 25, 2007 10:59am CST
if you go back 60 years and more, people used to work very hard. From 4 am until 8 at night, they slaved away, always moving, and for what? So that they could live! They didn't have all the fancy elctronics and automatic dishwashers and clothes washers and dryers. They had gardens to mend, clothes to hand wash and hang, food to prepare and can and children to raise, among so many other things. And they didn't complain. Because it was just a common way of life. You work to survive. Now days we have so many automatic devices that are intended to make our lives easier. But do they? We can do so much with a touch of a button, but our lives are so 'stressfull'. Now when we work more than a 40 hour week of answering phones and typing reports--- we need a 3 day vacation! is this right? Are we just so lazy and taken in by all of these commercials advertising vacations that we think we need them????
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