Welcome to the Matrix.

February 26, 2007 3:48am CST
We are living in a new world, where increasingly our lives are taking place in a world that exists as nothing more that ones and zero's. I know of few people who spend most of their times in virtual online worlds known as MMORPG's. They are these massive worlds that exist on cyberspace. In such a game, Second Life, you can buy and sell products and service's that never leave that game and exchange virtual money for real money. The IRS has even looked into taxing virtual economies. People spend hours in these games making friend's, acquiring goods, and apparently making money. This raises two questions. 1) Do these online experiences have value equal to that of real experiences? Or do distinctions of virtual/real apply? 2) What does this imply about the value we put on our currency? That it does not exist? Or something else?
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