how many parents wish they could sheild thier kids from all thats bad?

United States
February 26, 2007 3:57am CST
There are so many things in this life that can break us down. I know in my life I have had plenty of those experieances. The thing is then can we keep our kids from going thriugh the same things? As a New mom I worie about this. In the end I know that good teacing and communication ang most of all sticking close to GOD that is going to get my kid past the bad influances. Don't just wish you could keep in a bubble to avoid them from getting hurt. Well we can't but we can teach them how not to get hurt.
2 responses
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree with you 100% I have children their ages,12,21,23,28 years old. I have had times when in prayer God gives me warning of danger or of the kids doing things they shouldn't be doing... He cares and loves them more than we do. If we stick close to God, He will guide us in raising our children. Of course their is always free will and personal responsibility. We have to be the best examples we can be. We have to be willing to humble ourselves before them when we make mistakes and say, "I was wrong & am sorry." We must be a parent and not try to be a pal. We are the only parents they have, they have plenty of friends. It is best to start early, give them manners, morals, & social skills. But most of all give them God & give them love! Then you will enjoy your children so much more.
@Edricj (98)
• Nigeria
26 Feb 07
We cant stop our kids from experiencing bad situations - we are still humans. The world is full of trouble waters and everyone has one's own share of the trouble, but sure, we can help prevent our kids from going through a lot of what we went through ourselves. First, discover how best you can be of a support to your kids (financially, educationally, psychologically, morally etc). Let them see life in a perspective different from yours (when you were a kid). Let them know they can always work out solutions to any challenges coming their ways. Let them believe in you, themselves and God.