Do you use adsense?

FunAdvice - Fun Advice is a new site I just found that allows you to boost your Google Adsense account.
United States
February 27, 2007 2:20pm CST
I have just found this new website that allows you to put your adsense to work for you in the form of advertising your adsense for you. You post questions and give them your adsense code and 40% of the time your questions are displayed your adsense code is used in replacement for their's. Check them out at: Before someone thinks that I have started this discussion to promote a referral link, that is not the case as I do not do that it is simply a link to help others make the most of their adsense. Not to mention there are no referals that I know of with this site only individuals that want to ask questions and get adsense traffic. If you have come across a program like this please leave a link so that I can check it out and possibly join as I am trying to boost my little adsense account as much as possible. Thank you for your time and hopefully this can help someone with their earnings. Tell mee what do you think about this site and sites like it.
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