Is the great American road trip becoming extinct?

United States
February 27, 2007 4:56pm CST
I travel. A lot. By car. This seems to baffle most people. They wonder why I don't fly and assume that I must be afraid of flying. This is quite far from the truth. I just prefer driving because I get to experience more. I do however find it surpising how few fellow roadtrippers I encounter. Gas stations are usually full of truck drivers and locals instead of out-of-staters like me. So, I wonder, am I the only one that loves road trips and why are they growing extinct?
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3 responses
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
19 Mar 07
I think it isn't done as much as it was when I was a kid. My family thought nothing of piling into the car and driving 3 or 5 states to visit relatives or on a holiday. We would also fly, but we liked the road trip and everthing we would see on the way.
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I live for a good road that I am a mom with responsibilities I don't have the oppertunity as I once did.I rode my 1979 400 yamaha from coast to coast (Canada) and have ridden to South Dakota twice there is nothing finer than cruising along some country backroad watching the world go on its merry way as you pass by usually unnoticed.As a woman on a bike I have turned a few heads. when I was a child we spent many summer vacations living in our king cab pick up truck,camping and eating at roadside stops we'd wave at the big trucks and it was always an adventure!I still long for the road and miss the comraderie that bikers and travellers share along the way...I think people are becoming in too much of a hurry and are ceasing to be in touch with our countries,our rural areas and just how much amazing beauty is out there right on this need to go half way around the world to see it....ours is one of the most diverse and beautiful places on earth..perhaps if more people were in touch with it we might be more inclined to protect it and be more aware of what it is we are casting aside in the name of the almighty$$$ and convenience,,,so called "progress" but that is yet another long and passionate conversation!!!happy trails...keep a journal for our children...who knows what will be left of it for them to see for themselves... blessed be )0( Bikerwitch
@Artsimba (1334)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I just think that it's really a great way to travel. It can be less expensive, you get to meet a variety of people and have fun, while you can enjoy life also with your family by taking vacations by car. Those who still want to travel by plane can fly on their business trips. Then everyone's happy. Way to go. Good luck. I