cleavage or neathage, what do u prefer?

February 28, 2007 11:58am CST
MEN: what do u think is sexier, cleavage or neathage? y? WOMEN: how many of u have the "balls" 2 show neathage, wut do u think of woman who shows that?
5 responses
• United States
13 Jul 07
It doesn't even come down to having the balls to show neathage, it's all about having less class. Cleavage can be sexy and classy, but neathage is always trashy. If normal people are not comfortable wearing it in front of their parents or preachers, it verges on being trashy or crosses the line completely. Wet T-shirt contests are the only places I can even see neathage occurring normally.
14 Jul 07
I tottally agree with you. But nowadays peeps tend to do the most bizzare and shocking stuff in the name of sexiness and attraction, won't be surprised if daugthers and wives would be walking in2 they living rooms showing that kinda thing. and thank you for the response!
• United States
23 Jan 11
Neathage so rocks! :P
@emendblu (94)
• United States
1 Mar 07
neathage cleavage hands down
• United States
1 Mar 07
well cleavage is nice. And neathage is like the nectar of the gods. I mean it feels like you are seeing something that isn't meant to be seen in the day. You know like a club that you and only the lovers of this person has seen. So what if many others have seen it, you can feel like you are a chosen one of few. Neathage is an awesome word and forgive me but I'm so using that.
• United States
28 Feb 07
I don't think I have the "balls" to show neathage. At least not right now with my body size. I gained my 15 pounds when I started college, lol. But wow, neathage or cleaveage...what a toss-up.