How Much Time Do You Spend Online Everyday?

March 4, 2007 7:54am CST
As above, how much time do you gus spend on the net everyday? 'm having school holidays now, so I'm online pretty often.Probably an average of 8 hours or more per day.what about you?
3 responses
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
as much spare time that i can have and in the wee hours of the morning, everyday (3:00am to 6:30am) and on sunday afternoons.
• India
5 Mar 07
i am online almost everyday.i spend 8 hours on computer a day.
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
then be sure that its school vacation then you can enjoy internet surfing; but come school time, you should limit your networking to give way to your studies, okay?
@ikishan (65)
• India
5 Mar 07
hi a student. in working days i use to spend about one to one and half hours in net, during holidays as i donot have have any other thing to do,i use to spend most of my time chatting in net ..
• India
5 Mar 07
i too use to do chatting most of time but i use that time for earning money.just stay online for five hours and earn massive income.
@docsammy (93)
• Nigeria
4 Mar 07
Well I will say i'm addicted to being online. I spend more than 8 hours online here everyday. But I really think this is bad coz being addicted to something is very wrong. I will soon work on mine coz I cant continue spending hours here anymore. What you think?
• India
4 Mar 07
ya spending too many hours online is not good for our health.our health will damage a lot i experienced one day fo0r staying online continously for 10 fingers started paining for typing