Moola Survival Guide

@JBTECH (26)
United States
March 5, 2007 12:29pm CST
The new beta test site, is becoming a big hit on the internet. Slowly but surely. is one of the many internet site that offers players a chance to win millions of dollars and they don't have to risk anything at all. Moola starts you out with a penny and then matches you with someone that also has a peeny. Both players play a choice of three current games "Hi/Lo, Ro-Sham-Bo Ru, and Gold Rush." The winner of the game advances with two pennies at hand and is ready to play again with someone that also has two pennies. The fun goes on until you lose and/or when you cash out. Then you can start all over with another penny. Moola is completely sponsered by independent companies. So, that why everything is free. The only thing about is that it is invite only. You pay nothing not even the signup fee. If you are new to Moola or you want to signup. Please don't hesitate to email me your invite request at, I will be happy to send you a personal invite to the next best thing of online gaming sites.
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