They say you only find a true love when you stop looking... is that true?

United States
March 6, 2007 1:44pm CST
Or is that just something for women to say?!! thats because the guys have to search harder than the girls. Everybody knows that usually the guy has to be more brave and make the first steps for a woman he thinks is nice :) So that means that a man does not just "walk into your life" ladies, he probably has been looking at you and figuring a way to know you. For me, it has been one and half years since my long term girlfriend was rid of me. I have made friends with several females since (just friendships mind you), but I had to take many chances to know them. The firsr 6 months I did nothing, and i did not meet anyone, no females approached me, I had to do all the work, and embarassements too! But none so far has become my potential lover, girlfriend, fiance etc,,, no true love... so am I looking too hard??
1 response
@rmkocher (35)
• United States
6 Mar 07
i found my true love and i didnt even have to search. she was in my 9th grade class and we flirted the whole year. The next year rolled around and we started going out. We still have fun since. I dont know what i would do without her.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Mar 07
9th grade? sorry, I am sure you are a nice guy, but you are just a kid. No insult intended, but at your age thats just too young to think of true love in the classic sense of spending your life with someone. You have many years to go until you become a grown man. But best of luck to you and thanks!
• United States
7 Mar 07
actually that was rather cruel of me to be so blunt, just ignore me! my apologies!