What do u think what is the perfect definition of a true friend?

March 7, 2007 12:01pm CST
Tell your thinking views about true friend........
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7 responses
• India
7 Mar 07
A true friend is a friend who just accepts you the way you are along with your flaws...Does not try to change you and is always there when you need him/her....
1 person likes this
• India
7 Mar 07
Thanks for the comment.........True friend is like sunshine which always brightens our life !!
@Fishish (696)
• India
7 Mar 07
a true friend is one who is ther when u need him. adn the one who u feel like selflessly jelping through his tough times, unconditionally. u can not see the person adn truly love him. that is a true friend. also it is a clear relationm with no place for misunderstandings and explanations required. it is just simple straight.
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@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
8 Mar 07
Friend is a friend is a friend is a friend is a friend ia a friend ... You can write this repeatedly and yet these four words are enough for a friendly meaning of a friend! And you will find thousands of sentences saying very good things regarding friends and friendship! When you never break even though critical moments you have faced and passed through with each other then you can surely use this adjective TRUE before friends! Yet there is a saying that A FRIEND IS A FRIEND IS A FRIEND IS A FRIEND IS A FRIEND ...
@kyran_12 (643)
• India
7 Mar 07
we cant define a true frend as such , human mids tends accept every 1 who gives happyness and enjoyment in life whether an animal also but then the defining sentence can be" one with whom your chemistry matches is your best friend".... ............................. so dont try to find or match with any1 its automatic process.......cheers
• India
7 Mar 07
kyran all friends of course comes in our enjoyment but the friend who also comes for us in our bad times makes him/her special than others, which makes him/her true about his/her commitment about friendship with us
• Romania
7 Mar 07
a true friend is one soul in 2 bodies.
• United States
7 Mar 07
A true find is your personal psychiatrist without the bill. They are always there for you morning, noon, and night. They give you great advice and keeps you motivated. They never judge you because you make mistakes. They are there for you when you are depressed and lift your spirits. When you are sick, they bring you some chicken soup or a hot meal and bring you flowers to brighten up your day. They make you laugh and sends you funny emails. They help you out at your time of need. They never turn their back on you. They will never make you feel alone. They are loyal. They are like a sister or a brother to you, instead of just a best friend. That is a true friend.
• United States
7 Mar 07
A true friend is non judgemental. If they have some judgements about you they try to keep them to themselves. A true friend is also honest. I think a true friend would last for a lifetime. When you have a friend like that, you have someone you can count on. I think friends like these can be just as important as a family member.
• United States
7 Mar 07
A Friend is someone who is there for you for good or bad and does not judge your actions, but supports you...A friend is honest and tells it how it is, for your sake. I think that a friend loves without any expectations and unconditionally.