abortion is justice

March 8, 2007 11:46am CST
hi frnds ,this time i want to know that what do u think about abortion that it is murder of a small life whch is at the growing stage or it is justice with the girl who is doing this according to me no one have any right of killing that small life.who gave those girls right to kill that child,so i want ur opinion
4 responses
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
If we dig deep into the issue, these girls would not have found any need for getting an abortion if they only had taken resposibility for their acts. Now that education on how to cope with living life is all around us, it is unthinkable how one girl or woman will get an unwanted pregnancy. On this ground alone, I will never see abortion to be in any way justifiable except for cases where it becomes necessary. The scenario will involve pregnancy endangering the mother's life, such as ectopic pregnancy. In this case, abortion must be resorted to, or else both lives of mother and prospective child shall be lost.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
17 Mar 07
"these girls" taken responsibility for their acts... did they get pregnant all by themselves? Let's not forget that even if "these girls" have access to birth control (and so many women do not) that no method of birth control is 100% effective. The woman in question may very well have been trying to avoid pregnancy and her birth control failed. She should still be forced to take responsibility for something she actively tried to avoid? If the would-be father has left her, beats her, doesn't want any thing to do with her or this potential child; she should suck it up and have it anyway? Where's his obligation to this woman or this child?
@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
there is no right in exterminating human life. it's still murder because it is still alive in the woman's womb. besides, having a child is a gift from God.
• United States
16 Mar 07
Do you realize that not everyone thinks that? Not everyone wants children. Those people wouldn't think being pregnant was a gift.
@atenk_aja (118)
• Indonesia
17 Mar 07
in my country justice not really good...
• India
17 Mar 07
i support the idea of abortion "the termination of a lifeless,senseless existence is much better than allowing it to lead of life of disgust and social antipathy" the molested parent can never be happy with the child as the society maitains them as 'eliminated people' so its better to end the life much before it comes to the earth and lives a life of complete dishonour and humilitaion facing a social opposition and lacking mental peace