How Do you know you are in Love with someone?

@mx_aman (2101)
March 8, 2007 4:21pm CST
How do you know you are in love with someone? how do you know that person is the right one for you? How do you know you are going to marry that person in the future? What do you feel like when you find the right person you are going to marry?
1 response
• United States
9 Mar 07
You know you are in love when everyday you get butterflies in your stomach before you see them, when your heart rate goes up on sight with them, when palms of your hands go to sweating when you are with them, when you trip all over your words when you talk to them. You know they are the one when they are all you can think about no one else in the whole world matters, no other person catchs your eye when you look around and all you can see is that person. You know to marry when you and your partner has an arguement or disagreement I think this keeps your relationship healthy besides you cant expect to agree all of the time