How much your Friends means to you??

Friends - Friends Forever
@amitksing (1323)
March 10, 2007 1:34pm CST
I dont have too many friends, but the ones that I have are really very good ones! Friends mean a lot to me. Its really difficult to imagine my life without them. They share my sorrows and joys, we have great fun together and we are ready to do anything for each other. How much do your friends mean to you??
3 responses
@laarni080 (127)
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
My friends they are so much mean to me, because they are the one whom i can tell my problems from personal to conflict, they are the one who always give suppport and never leave at my side, thats why i treasured them most and no one can replace it.
@dsharsha (55)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Friends.... I feel thats the gift given by GOD to humanbeings... throughout my life friends had helped me a lot... well when i was young i donno much about the value of friendship...but now i realised how important friends are for a person... well to say frankly i hurted some of my friends...and they don't talk to me now...i really feel bad about that... i apologized, but they dint take it, means i hurt them so much that they could nt accept me again.... but now i'm very careful...and deal very nice with friends... instead of hurting them i'm trying to explain if they have done anything that hurts me so that they will understand what i mean... btw, nice topic of discussion....keep it up...and have a great day....
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
10 Mar 07
True real friends are important, they are your extended family. I have 3 real friends, one for 33 years, and the other two are for 27 years each one. There are some people who don't have any family so their friends become their family.