Going Green - It's what Big Oil Fears Most

March 10, 2007 8:40pm CST
How do you feel about the price of gas these days? If it is anything like here in Canada, It is rediculous. I am seriously thinking of going green to cut costs. Switching to an off grid solar & wind power system to cut my electricty cost. Drive less and ride a bike more. And evenyually even get an electric car or Hydrogen fuel powered. Any thoughts on this issue?
1 response
• Canada
11 Mar 07
I agree with you and yes the gas prices are to high wish they were lower like they used to be hey lol. Riding a bike will save you alot of money then how are you going to get you grogies home or your present for the kids when christmas comes or ride in the snow with your bikelol... So I guess you would have to use and wind power or offgrid solar system lol.