My daughter is dating and she is only 13 years old....

March 11, 2007 6:35am CST
As a parent, will you agree or disagree that your children start dating at the tender age of 13 years old. Worried that they are not discerning enough? WHATS YOUR TAKE, SHARE WITH US???
2 responses
• Philippines
11 Mar 07
Uh oh. 13 is too early to date, I think. They may do things which they're not supposed to yet. Keep your communication lines open....
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
11 Mar 07
I still don't have a kid yet but if i put my self into yours now I would say that i would not agree with this thing. 13 is too young for a girl to go for this thing. Rather than thinking of dating problem she should have to concentrate in her study.