MEN are POLYGAMOUS by nature...

@catcai (1056)
March 13, 2007 6:31am CST
Are men really polygamous by nature? is it really hard for them to stick to 1 partner within their whole life? Ive heard from people that if a relationship doesnt work, its usually the womans fault because she should do everything in her power to make the man stay in the relationship... is this really true? what are your views on these ladies and gentlemen?
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3 responses
• United States
13 Mar 07
I don't think you mean polygamous, or married to more than one person. Instead, perhaps you mean Polyamorous, meaning love more than one person. In that vein, I don't think men are the only ones who are polyamorous. I believe that men and women are capable of loving more than one person and shouldn't have to be confined to a monogomous relationship. If a relationship doesn't work between two people it is because there is a missing element - usually communication. That missing element is often the fault of both people, not just one in particular. If one person doesn't want to be in a relationship and the other does, then yes - that other person should do whatever is possible to keep the relationship together. Unfortunately, if one person doesn't want the relationship, it is going to die. This isn't a gender issue.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Thanks for this. Heres the definition to clear that up..... Main Entry: po·lyg·a·mous Function: adjective Etymology: Greek polygamos, from poly- + -gamos -gamous 1 a : relating to or practicing polygamy b : having more than one mate at one time, baboons are polygamous HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!
• Australia
13 Mar 07
I don't think the problem with all mreakups are the woman's fault. Us men sometimes treat the other like dirt. Communication and respect is the key to any successful relationship.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Let me speak from the perspective of a man that has cheated on his wife. Ugg! I blamed her for the reasons as to why I had cheated. I feel in all instances of infidelity it's not either mates fault. It's a fault of one of their & both of their love or trust having subsided. In my case I feel my wife let me become WAY to close to a long time friend of mine. Enough said about my affair etc. I have been through this & it can be worked out as well as the trust issue can be restored. Granted it takes time but it can be salvaged with hard work from both partners. Thanks for letting me voice my feelings on this. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!