A Very Weak American Idol!!

United States
March 13, 2007 6:50pm CST
Is America running out of talent or are my expectations set way to high for this years contestants? The last couple years if you called me during AI I would freak out and this year I am not into it like before. The people do not seem to have the talent they have had in the past. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me? Please reply with your feelings on this topic!
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19 responses
@natalie1981 (1995)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
I like Melinda Doolittle and Blake seems original. I just want to share with you guys this funny site: www.votefortheworst.com they try to irk the producers of American idol by voting for the worst singers. They were rooting for Antonella and Sundance a while back but since that went to the pits, they're encouraging their friends to vote for Sanjaya. I like the humour of the writers.
14 Mar 07
Sanjaya needs to absolutely go. I don't know who in their right might would vote for him. But anyway there's a few that are good this year. But personally I think the show should've ended after season 1. Kelly Clarkson is & always will be the best idol. The judges need some new dissing material. Paula sounds like a broken record. She'll always be nice no matter how horrible the contestants may sound. She needs to be replaced. I think a female version of Simon would be a nice touch. It'd be a lot more entertaining than the show itself. Just a thought anyway.
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
i think American stilll have great talents.. I believe Melinda and Lakisha will soar high in music industry.. They have a talents to show... I believe that!
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
I've been watching American Idol for quite some time now and I've seen many contestants who really had a lot of talent. I don't feel that way this time during the current season of American Idol. I find many of the contestants to be lacking in the talent department or I find myself asking why they are there in the first place. There has actually only been a couple of stand outs to me this season and I remember last season being able to pick out more than that. I find a lot of the men completely uninspired and their performances seem to be pretty plain jane. I became a very big Chris Daughtry fan last season and it was within the first few weeks of seeing him debut on the show. I even remember his audition and how excited he was upon his appointment to Hollywood. I see nothing like that this season with the possible exception of Lakisha Jones. In a crowd of almost talent less karaoke singers, she has caught my attention this season not only because of her story and what she's given up to be there, but also because of her talent. She has got to be the one girl there who can week after week blow every song she's sung out of the water. I believe the judges have been pretty fair when it came down to giving up there comments last night. I agreed a lot with what they had said when it came to the guys and their inability to really take their performances to the next level. I found most of the performances from the men to have almost a lack of emotion within them. The songs came off flat and boring and I believe they deserved so much more than that. The women had more success injecting the songs they sang with personality and vitality. They looked comfortable up there on stage where as the men looked like they shouldn't even be near a stage at all, much less a microphone in my opinion. I remember watching the auditions this year and there was one stand out to me on the side of the men that actually ended up being quite the disappointment. I found Chris Sligh pretty entertaining when he auditioned for American Idol, but since then every performance he's done has really made me question what I saw in him in the first place. I expected more out of him as a performer and an entertainer and he's delivered neither of those to any of the performances he's done. In fact when it comes to the men this season, not even one really made a great first impression on me. In conclusion, I find that the men this season to be completely boring and uninspired. I could sit here and listen to their performances again like I did last night. The songs would not mean anything more to me than when they were performed last night. I find the women are where the true talent is now and will be for the remainder of the show! But who knows I could be wrong & maybe they will come out of there shell.. And surprise me as the season begins to progress more & more! . . Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I'm watching it this season, but I'm like you...I'm not as excited about it as I was previously. The best singers on there this year is Melinda and Lakeshia(sp). The others are just ok. The guys are really bad this season IMO.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Mar 07
This year has been bad for me..Last year I was really into American Idol..I loved Paris bennett,I just knew she would win...Doughtery the bald guy has a band now and a new CD,and Katherine McFee has a CD out...I just haven't been in to it this year either.I don't think the talent is as good as last year...when I saw your Post ,I just had to answer because I was just telling my friend that I just could not get into AI this year...I suppose you are right the talent just is getting weak..I feel much better now knowing that someone else feels like it do..I always think its just me,so thanks for your post..this was s good one.
@oshawn31 (100)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
The overall talent hasn't been as good but the top 2 are great. i also dont know why sanjaya is still there, i had high hopes for him in his first audition. his friends and family must text really fast. i dont look forward to seeing it as much as other seasons
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
14 Mar 07
yes,i know what you mean,this year it is so boreing an there is only a few good singers this year.an they a females.the men just dont cut it this year.like last year taylor made it well worth watching.an i really enjoyed it last year.but this year i just cant get into it.so its not you it the show.
@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I agree with you...I am a HUGE fan of American Idol...I usually have to tape it because I am out giving dance lessons on the nights that it's on. This year, there are really only 2 girls that even deserve to be on the show...LaKeisha and Melinda. The guys are all pretty boring. Blake is kind of cool, but if he couldn't beat-box, he would never have even made it. Phil has a nice voice, but I just don't see him becoming famous. The chubby guy with the curly hair has a good voice too, but ...well...you know. I am definitely much more bored this year then I have been with the other seasons. But seriously...if Sanjaya doesn't get booted off this week, I just might stop watching altogether.
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I don't really like these silly television shows. Before the contestants ever see the room with simon and paula in there, they are screened. Obviously, there are a lot of talented people that show up to these things, and not all of them make it even to see simon. If you want to hear real talent, check out some local bands and open mic nights. That is where all of the really talented people hang out. :) I must admit, though...Even though I don't like these shows, I still watch American Idol. Usually this is the lull in the season where it's kind of boring, and you don't love anyone yet. I'm sure as the contest moves along, we'll find some talanted ones in there!
@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Ha! I just got done posting almost the same thing as you, lol. I totally agree with you. My husband and I were discussing the same thing last night. I'm not too into it either but I have to see every next coming show to see just what really is gonna happen. It's just been shocking, dissapointing and sad on how it's been turning out. They really don't seem to have the talent. No one seems to stand out and make you say, "wow, I hope they win", or they can really win it." Out of the girls, 4 of the girl's voices are kind of the same, Haley, I'm sure she's leaving next, so Gina Glocksen will be the only one a little different than the other girls, no not her race, her style in her singing is different. Out of the guys I can see maybe Blake, Chris, and Phil. I don't know, it's just all crazy confusing to me this year how it turned out.
@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I was actually thinking the same thing while watching last night. The show has no spark to it. There are really only two or three that have any talent at all! I really do like Malinda D. All the guys stink this year. My daughter who is nine and loved it last year said they all dumb now.
• United States
14 Mar 07
I totally agree I love american Idol but like you said it is not that great this year. Every year I have watched every single episode but this year I watched the auditions but thats about it. Simon is still entertaining but thats about it.
@tomatoe39 (298)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I would say that is because u are board....It is the same thing everytime..and the beginning is not even funny anymore it is stupid..
@baybieap (12)
• United States
14 Mar 07
It's horrid this year! No Daughtry, no McPhee, the talent is way worse than last year. I'm digging Blake and Chris Richardson, but why Sanjaya is still there I have no clue!
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
14 Mar 07
The talent is lacking on American Idol this year and has not been as exciting in the past year. Most of the guys are not very good and would not buy their albums for anything. There are a few girls that are very good and feel that a woman will win but I agree that AI is not as good as years past and most of those votes are because of redialing more than anything. It is hard to get excited about this years episode.
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I agree with you. Overall the talent is just not there, or maybe we just expect more now that we have seen it a few years. I know that I am agreeing with Simon more this year than I ever have before. I do think there are a couple of really great singers in Melinda and Lakisha, and some great perfromers in Blake and Gina. Jordan has potential too. I personally don't care for Chris R but it seems that many other people do. Sanjaya and Haley should not even be in the top 12, and I really like Phil's tone. Tonight's episode was kind of boring. I sure hope it gets better as we go along.
• United States
14 Mar 07
Honestly, I believe that the talent as a whole has been weaker, but the top talent is actually getting a little better. I honestly think the top of this year's group is as good as any of the past few seasons... I think the best chance for talent came in the middle seasons. I'm not saying that's when they had the best talent, just where the oppoortunity was. The first season was raw and people didn't know what to expect or what the competition could do in terms of credibility. When we got to year two, more people believed in its power, and by the time we hit the third season the influence of American Idol was full swing. Like I said, the top contestants (Lakisha, Melinda, Stephanie, Blake, Chris R.) are comparable to any of the previous top five contestants from seasons past.
@jbrowsin66 (1321)
• United States
14 Mar 07
This is really my first season watching it. Last season I tuned in at the end. I feel the same way about Nashville Star, another show just like AI. It was SO good last season with Chris Young --this season no one in my opinion could live up to him, so it was a downer for me. Probably the more you watch a show, the more predictable it becomes. Simon kind of ruins AI for me as even though most people feel he's being "brutally honest" (that's sugar-coating it), I think he's just rude.
• Canada
14 Mar 07
You know what's funny too is that I was watching "American Idol Rewind" on FOX for season 1 of the show, the one that Kelly Clarkson won. I started watching the season after that, with Ruben and Clay, so it was interesting to watch how LOW the expectations were back then!! Simon was so nice! Paula was ARTICULATE (haha!) and really, really boring! Randy was boring too! I think they really have raised the bar EVERY single year and people who would have maybe WON in the first couple of seasons wouldn't last 5 seconds these days! Well, except for stupid Sanjaya Malakar!