God how important?

March 14, 2007 3:18am CST
The wisest lawyer should commence with defending Gods rights. God is one who exists of himself and who includes in himself all qualities and perfections in infinite degree. God is lord, infinitely holy,wise,just,veracious,merciful,powerful,the beginning and end of all things. With infinite Love being one of Gods infinite attributes,which are really one,His most divine essence. Thus the first commandment being the origin of all other nine commmandments,from it one can see them tiled horizontally. Without it,none of them could exist since from it we know why we are bound to follow strictly,in short the ten commandments. There is no way we could possibly start counting from two by excluding the first commandment,it is in itself absurd. At the same time,it is a mortal sin against charity not to Love God or to hate God. It is also a severe mortal sin against faith to deny the existance of God,a mortal sin to presume Gods mercy coming to believe that we can be saved without giving up sin. A mortal sin is a grevious sin that makes us deserving pains of Hell. God is providence itself,truth itself,author and fountain of all fecundity and Holiness itself.
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