what do u think of islam ?

March 18, 2007 12:20pm CST
what u think about Islam ? do u think it is a religion of peace or terror ? what do u think of Muslims ?
3 responses
• United States
18 Mar 07
The true basic teachings of Islam is based on the same beliefs as most other religions. It is how man chooses to use the religion taht makes it good or bad. There are a lot of people who do the same thing to the Christian faith. People like the KKK, Skinheads, and Nazis use Christianity to preach hate and bigotry. So we can't blame the religion, we have to blame the people.
@sreevasu (2717)
• India
18 Mar 07
All religions around the world preaches and stands for peace and betterment of living things and Isalam is not an exception from this. Infact Islam can be considered as one of the oldest religion in the world. It can be counted as one of the wide spreaded religion around the world. As all religion advocates good morals, Islam too values good morals. To the best of my knowledge there is no religion of terror in the whole world.
@pride91 (38)
18 Mar 07
I'm not religious so I can't understand this people... I think it's a religion and how in all the things be a fanatic is a bad thing, but there are also Islamic good people...