Spouse-support offsets ill-effects of job stress.

spousal support - a spousal support is being shown in the photo
March 19, 2007 12:38pm CST
How much do you agree with this? Do you think people with high job strain and low marital cohesion face more ill-effects of the stress caused by jobs as opposed to people who have good marital relationship? or do you think that spouse support has got nothing to do with this? i think i'll agree with the topic as i'm married and working and whenever i think my spouse is not being supportive to me or when we have big fights then my blood-pressure increases and i find it difficult to take any more stress at my workplace.
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4 responses
• United States
19 Mar 07
I certainly agree with it. Having an unsupportive spouse creates its own stress, even if you like your job. If both home and work are stressful and you have no place you can de-stress, I'm sure it compounds the problem.
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• India
19 Mar 07
so you are with me. your response is appreciated.
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
19 Mar 07
I totaly agree, even though I am not maried. I see this in a lot of my family and friends. The solution is simple. Mared people should realise that their spouse comes first and the rest follows. Sometimes the spouse does not give support any more because the other party puts their job first. But when a person has job stress, they must have the confidence that when they get home they have some one to talk to who are willing to listen, sometimes that's all you need, a hearing ear, not a solution. When we put our spouse first, the tension at home will be far less and that has an impact at the job. The stress at work will be a bit less because of a supportive spouse and because of the knowledge that there is some one who will give support.
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• India
19 Mar 07
i quite liked your answer and your reasoning.thanks for responding! to be honest, my spouse means the world to me and if things are not right between us and whenever he has failed to support me(which doesn't happen quite often actually) in certain issues like not sympathising with me if i'm upset due to whatever happened in office or not help me out in my household chores then it becomes too hectic and stressful for me at work. the strain doubles up.
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@mlotboy (293)
• India
19 Mar 07
o really! man, u r a genius.
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• India
19 Mar 07
i don't know why you are calling me a genius?
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• India
20 Mar 07
well definately it effects if you are having tension with your spouse it will reflect not only on your work but all other things what you do
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