Chain Mails

Chain Mails - Chain Mails tend to irritate people. Well, most of the people. Atleast those who receive them. The others are the senders.
March 20, 2007 10:25pm CST
How many of you really believe that the community sites are deleting profiles and you need to forward a mail to all your friends in order to keep it alive?Or how many of you believe that for each forward, some biggie is going to pay you lots of cash?Or that you will find your love within some time dependent on the number of forwards you do and lose some thing if you dont?Do you really think it is even possible for anyone to keep a track of all the people in this wide world to pay them something?
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1 response
@amarie (170)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Ok, I have to be honest. I believed that facebook was going to kick me out if I didn't forward it. The other chain mail that I get I trash them. I'm still alive so I guess all is well.
• India
21 Mar 07
Yup I'm Alive and well kicking too. Havent suffered any great loss. LOL.