what do you think of those so called emarketing gurus?

March 27, 2007 3:57pm CST
recently surfing around the web, i found some info about some people that call themselves emarketing gurus. They offer to teach you their secrets to become rich, but must of them do not deliver any real information. Some people even started to call this phenomenon: the emarket scam. but is it really a scam? or something different? so what are your experiences and opinions?
1 response
@BrainTeaser (1428)
• Pakistan
27 Mar 07
Well they are all scams and junk and you wont find any good in them,just trying to make money out of you.What is there secret mlm thats multi level marketing kinda selling products on their behalf letting them earn the bigger part of the profit and what we get a few pennies quite great,why should we waste our time for their betterment? And on the top they ask money from you aswell as a registration fees,well if they require our services,why should we pay them instead they should be the one who'll pay us for joining them,as in any normal job you can observe they dont ask money from you but they pay you right.try to avoid them,and you can be a e-guru aswell just launch your own site with content like theirs bla bla bla and ask people the registration fees and enjoy on their money... but wont it be dishonesty with others?
• Canada
29 Mar 07
i agree that most of them are just scams. but i know that there are actually some people really doing money, the problem is they will never tell you their tricks. Sadly many people spend their money trying to get the big secrets from those called gurus and get only junk information.