should we be tax for polluting?

March 29, 2007 3:05pm CST
pollution is a big actual problem. But should we all tax payers be taxed to clean pollution?
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1 response
29 Mar 07
We are taxed for everything else in this country! We already have tax on fuel and cars which are worse for the environment have to pay more road tax so we are already paying for this. I do think that the government should subsidise us for the use of renewable energy for our homes such as solar and wind power, but I don't think this will ever happen.
• Canada
29 Mar 07
well paying a low tax for cleaning up pollution would not kill me, but i doubt all money will go exactly to the right place, most of the time it finish somewhere else, maybe some electoral campaign or something else. Anyway i think companies that pollute a lot should get some taxes depending on how much waste they throw away.