Everything under the sun

April 2, 2007 10:49pm CST
Although it's not summer yet in the northern hemisphere, it is getting hot here in the Philippines as summer hits the countries of the tropics.Well, i will give you guys a few tips about the Sun. The sun has,is, and will be the source of energy for all things.All creatures need the energy of the sun in order to live.Even creatures that live the deepest ocean floors come up often to invoke energy from the sun. The sun contains nutrients like Vitamin D to replenish our skin.It also helps us remove bacteria and fungi that thrive on our skin which causes skin diseases.Sun is also used by plants for their photosynthetic cycle needed to produce food. Although staying in the sun a lot could cause skin cancer, it doesn't mean you have to stay inside all day or hide from it. The reason why we have skin cancers is also because our skin cannot handle heavy amounts of Ultraviolet Light, which also harms our eyes. Despite all it's adverse affects, it is still the most powerful source of energy. Because of this, the ancients revered the Sun.They celebrated festivals in accordance with the sun.Yule, known s Christmas was the day that the sun was supposed to be "reborn".Candlemas, also called 'Imbolc", was the feast of the returning sun celebratd every February. Lughnasadh or "Assumption Day" was the height of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancients also used the sun as an important source of power and worshipped the sun god, who is actually Azazel, one of the crowned princes of Hell.He is known by many names in many places but he is all the same. The Kabbalistic square of the Sun is 666,which is also known as the "Number of the Beast" ,"Number of Death" and so forth.The symbol of the sun is the Swastika, the symbol used by the Nazis during WW2.It was known throughout the world and was revered by the ancients.In Magick, the sun was said to attribute these abilities: *Could bestow positive energy, confidence, fortune and charisma to a person *Could strengthen one's aura to prevent misfortunes, illnesses, hexes,and negative energy *Could be used to clear one's head and to improve concentration These are the little things but very huge benefits that one could get from the sun.It also takes time and mastery to become adept in handling sun energy since sun energy could also harm you if you do not know how to handle sun energy.Sun energy, just like all energy, must be programmed in order to fulfill it's purpose So, what do you say, get some sun and reap it's benefits HAIL SATAN HAIL AZAZEL Iacobus Mangunus
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