Scientists DEBATE on GLOBAL WARMING: Are YOU/ WE Affected?

global warming FACE - This is how a GLOBAL WARMING affects our own planet, Earth.
April 5, 2007 3:36pm CST
PLEASE PONDER ON THIS RECENT ISSUE: Scientists and diplomats from more than 120 countries debated the urgency of changes in the Earth's climate as they tried to finalize a report on global warming that will guide policymakers for decades to come. The United States, which has refused to coordinate action to curb greenhouse gas emissions with other countries, was playing a low-key role in Brussels so far during the talks on climate change and global warming, said delegates on condition on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. Delegates said the talks were going slowly, with disputes over the level of confidence attached to the statement. Some countries wanted the wording either toned down or the level of certainty reduced, the delegates said. The issue was handed to a smaller "contact group" to resolve. NOW, HOW CAN WE MAKE OUR PART AS CONCERNED INDIVIDUALS LIVING ON EARTH.. LET'S HELP RESOLVE THIS ISSUE ON GLOBAL WARMING...ACT NOW TO PROTECT AND HELP THE POOR COUNTRIES.. from ME (resident, POOR COUNTRY, philippines)=) START responding or posting any comment on this Topic. ADD ME:
1 response
@agfarm (930)
• United States
6 Apr 07
there is absolute proof , and evidence of Global Warming. Scientists all over the world agree on this. It Baffels me as to why the popular reaction in America is Villify the Scientists and Ignore the problem. Go figure ??..... And Secondly....I think America has a Moral Obligation to help Feed the world given the Fact that our land is ( probably ) the Most fertile in the world.
• Philippines
6 Apr 07
you're certainly correct. USA i could say as one very powerful nation in the whole world truly has an environmental obligation on concern like this, global warming. we should provide an early precautions and measures to avoid the unseen or bad happenings. god bless you my dear. thanks for your comment.