Why Are G4 Processor Macs Still Highly Valuable?

United States
April 7, 2007 1:31pm CST
If you've checked the Apple.com store page recently, you may see that the G4 processor macs are still highly valued. They're still worth a lot of money. With the new Intel chips slowly dominating the Apple line-up, why is it that the G4 processors still cost a lot? It seems like the Intel chips are better for a few reasons: significantly faster, more applications, and capable of running Windows under bootcamp.
1 response
• France
27 May 07
I am in the process of looking to upgrade my computer and have been swayed towards an apple by various people who say how reliable they are. Is this part of the reason an older mac holds its money? Are there any draw backs such as new operating systems not been compatible with older operating systems? Are they going to phase out the G4 mac as time goes on and try and update everyone onto a new machine? would this mean i am wasting my money? So still need a bit of help knowing which way to turn .