Family Relationships - Describe yours.

@Erinlpx (179)
United States
April 8, 2007 1:12pm CST
This was inspired by another discussion, but I wanted to expand on it a little. We've often heard the saying "You can't pick your relations - just your friends" and many variations. If you COULD choose your family though - would you choose the same parents and siblings, or aunts and uncles as you already have? What are some of the things that make your family relationships so special? For myself - I would choose the same ones all over again. I love my family very much.
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1 response
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Apr 07
No. If given the chance to choose my own family, I would not choose the same family. That sounds mean of me, but my family was very abusive to me, and yet still expect my love just because we are "related". Personally, I prefer to give my love to people who deserve it than to those who have done nothing but hurt me.
@Erinlpx (179)
• United States
8 Apr 07
No, I don't think that sounds mean at all. I think there would be a lot of people who share your view on this, too. Not everyone was blessed with a good family - and it's a very open question. I always appreciate really honest responses, so thank you for sharing yours :)
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Apr 07
You're welcome. =) Thanks for being so understanding. I always worry a bit about responding to things like this, but your discussion just caught my eye. It's a very good question!
@Erinlpx (179)
• United States
8 Apr 07
You should never be worried about posting. Nobody has the right to pass judgement on another for daring to have a different opinion and being honest enough to share it. Anybody who does choose to shoot you down in flames for expressing an honest opinion isn't worth the time it took you to read their post. There's plenty of people with open minds willing to have intelligent and honest conversation about a wide range of topics, but unfortunately - like everything - there's always a few who will get their "holier than thou" attitude. I know I do sometimes when I feel that someone is being supremely stupid! (Though I try to be nice!)
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