About your clothes...

United States
April 8, 2007 5:16pm CST
What is your most important piece of clothing? It could be your favorite one, or the one you couldn't do without. Do you wear it so often? My favorite piece of clothing is a black jersey. I can wear it anytime and anywhere. It fits me well, feels good, and I look good in it as well. I think it's the best piece I have ever bought in years. How about you?
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5 responses
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
9 Apr 07
My favorite piece of clothing is a Pazzo jeans and a t-shirt blouse. I find them very comfortable and cool. I like to wear them always since I think I look younger in those and I think they suit me very well.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
Comfort, style and fit really count, right? I think Pazzo jeans are great-looking! I will remind myself to buy a pair. Seems like you're a go-getter. Thanks for the response!
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@Pluntt (232)
• United Arab Emirates
9 Apr 07
hmm well if you count a wallet as a piece of clothing then it would definatly have to be that because with that i can always get new stuff. But seriously i would have to say my jeans. For years i didnt wear jeans as i thought they were uncomfortable and i thought i would be to hot in the climate i live in with them. One summer i decieded t get a few pairs and i just love jeans now. That is pretty much what i wear all the time now. Anyways nothing to special but you asked and i let you know. cheers Plunt
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• United States
9 Apr 07
Okay, Pluntt, this is one of those "no-brainer" discussions of mine, after I have made you go through the other "have to think harder" discussions. Jeans would be a basic essential to many. I also think that I will not have a complete wardrobe if I don't have my favorite well-fitting, sturdy, and dependable jeans. Thanks for the response!
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@shoelover (896)
• Australia
8 Apr 07
Mine would have to be my hot pink dress. My daughter got it for me on sale at KMart for $3. It looks really expensive and has a hankerchief hem. I love the way it fits me and also love the looks I get when I wear it. My hubby and kids call it my posh dress because thats the way it makes me look.
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• United States
8 Apr 07
Only for $3? That's great! It goes to show that it doesn't take someone to purchase something expensive in order to look good. That's a good buy, indeed! Thanks for the response!
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
10 Apr 07
I do not have any important piece of clothing. Clothes are just to cover and protect our bodies. Some use it to decorate the bodies, and attact unwanted attention. My favourite would be a baggy T. It suits well in the hot climate.
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• United States
10 Apr 07
It's good to hear that there's someone here who's not a "clothes" person, or not finicky about clothes. So far, you're unique here. You're very practical. Thanks for the response!
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
7 Jul 07
Probably my black tux it requires the most up keep and I only get to wear it 6 or 7 times a year.