working in a call center!! fun or not?

April 11, 2007 1:08am CST
i've been working in a call center for almost 2 yrs now. some say i have a very hectic schedule and some of my friends would sometimes get mad at me coz i don't have time with them anymore. instead of going out i prefer to sleep . it actually depends if you work at night or day.. some people say we have a very good job coz we just sit down and then answer calls but it's the other way around. we get to talk to people we don't know and yet shouting on us, using profanities and other bad languages... we just have a different kind of job that's it.. if you have some insight please free to post
1 response
• United States
11 Apr 07
I've been doing outbound telemarketing for the past 6 months. It is definitely not *fun*, but it does pay well. I usually make about 65-100 calls per hour, 8 hours a day. It gets pretty boring...I actually like it when customers get angry and swear at me (it only happens once or twice a week), just because it breaks up the monotony of the job! Plus, they usually say some funny sh*t. Overall, it's not a bad part-time job, but I do want to find something a little more satisfying and career oriented.
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
ur totally correct.. if customers get irate it makes me more powerful and wants to take control of the call especially if they are way beyond the policy.. hehehe.. i do want to find a better job but considering the job situation here in the philippines.. call centers are most option for a higher salary.. thnx for the post :-)