How come tears come out of our eyes when we cry?

How come tears come out of our eyes when we cry? H - How come tears come out of our eyes when we cry? How come tears come out of our eyes when we cry?
United States
June 13, 2007 7:52pm CST
Tears flow from our eyes when we cry because they contain chemicals and hormones produced by our bodies. When we become upset, our brains and bodies overreact and work overtime by producing chemicals and hormones. Crying helps eliminate these extra chemicals that we don't need. The chemicals and hormones disappear from our body through the form of tears. As our tears flow, they sooth our sadness or distress by withdrawing these chemical agents. That is why many people feel calmer or more refreshed after crying--because the tears get rid of these hormones that are produced when we are sad, happy, or distressed.
1 response
14 Jun 07
I nearly started to answer without reading your post! Lol I'll have a look at that quiz it sounds fun, kudos L2S :) ~Joey
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jun 07
LOL I understand.