@cheenlly (3476)
Philippines • Age 44
Joined myLot 18 years ago
Focus on things that are beautiful. Life is too short to waste on worries. Think of solutions and not of problems. Remain good even if others are not.

cheenlly's Likes

cheenlly liked this  29 Feb 12
Do men cry?
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people
cheenlly liked this  27 Feb 12
Fake jobs, Fake people