Ice Cream truck! Quick lets go! Do you have one come by your place?

@dawnrm69 (1174)
United States
May 14, 2007 2:44pm CST
There goes the Ice Cream truck I need to make note of when he goes by for I would like to get one. Do you have one in your neighborhood?
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20 responses
14 May 07
i recently moved 4 weeks ago and was so chuffed to hear the ice cream van out in the street, when i was young i lived with my parents and the van used to stop outside our house but i moved to a part of town dominated by uni students so he never used to come up that end i remember as a child running in and getting £1 from my parents for an ice cream i dont think id get one for under £2 now tho lol.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
14 May 07
Yeah, the truck comes by almost every day, if it is warm enough. I prefer to buy my own ice cream and make my own concoctions. But a treat off the truck is sometimes nice to enjoy.
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@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
15 May 07
We don't have one in the neighborhood where we live. I do remember seeing one before, but it's been years since one came in here. When I was growing up, we always had an ice cream truck come by every afternoon, and all us kids hoped our parents would let us buy something. I used to love to hear the sound of the truck coming.
• United States
15 May 07
We use to have one that came down the street I live on, but I haven't seen it for a couple summers now. And no one knows what happened to it, cause it would always get really good business down this way, because there are a lot of children that live on this street, who loved buying ice cream from the guy.
• United States
15 May 07
i haven't seen an ice cream truck in my neighborhood since the 70' grandmother used to send me out to get something for the both of us. i do wish they'd come back.
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
14 May 07
Oh how spooky. I was thinking of this just a few minutes ago!!! In the summer time when the kids are out of school is when one comes around here, only you can't depend on him too much. It is very warm down here in south Tx. and we have to have the house closed up and the air conditioner on and it is hard to hear him when he comes until he is right out front or already passed. I am the 2nd house from the corner to a pretty busy street so you can't chase him down after he turns off of the street. Some days he comes and some days he don't. Since my kids are all grown I just watch for him when my grandson is here visiting on his summer break or sometimes on spring break the ice cream man will come. After he figures out my grandson is here he will slow way down in front of our house and give him time to get outside. When I was young (many years ago) our ice cream man had a silver cart and had a horse pull it. Now that one couldn't get away from us kids, never went too fast for us. hahaha Back then we didn't have air conditioner either and us kids were usually outside playing.
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
14 May 07
We most certainly do have an ice cream truck that comes through my neighborhood. As a matter of fact, he comes through our neighborhood even during the winter months. I know that is strange but he really does come during winter as well, except for when there is a snowstorm. The kids really love it and so do many adults. You can hear the truck from a mile away with the sounds it makes. It makes it very convenient to get some ice cream without driving somewhere.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
15 May 07
Oh what wonderful childhood memories! I remember hearing that little bell and literally flying to the curb to meet the truck! So sad that my children have no idea what I am talking about. Needless to say there is not an ice cream truck in this small town. Most of our population is in teh outlying county area...and a truck would have to drive 100's of miles to see enough children..and with gas the way it won't be happening! Should we have an ice cream truck, I'd be first in line... asking for an orange dreamsicle!!!
15 May 07
Our neighbourhood is plagued by them at the weekends and, as the weather gets warmer, then the evenings will also be filled with the dischordant sounds of an assortment of varied tunes and bells and whistles and the like. There is one in particular who lurks outside the school gates at the top of the road, and plays his chimes constantly - someone hand me a shotgun LOL
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
15 May 07
oh goody go get me some :) LOL, I used to see them every now and then but lately I haven't seen them around like I used to. When I see the ice cream truck come around but I don't see the kids running for it like they used to maybe everything has changed because people are scared to get out of the house these days.
• Netherlands
14 May 07
Nope, unfortunately we don't have any ice cream trucks nor bikes around my neighbourhood. But we do have couple of italian ice cream parlour/shops that pack with people during the summers. They have alot of different kind of mouth watering ice cream flavour and lovely ice delicious...
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
14 May 07
Or more than one. We have the little men pushing carts that are supposed to be selling ice cream, but the roomie's nephew who got out of a gang, says a lot of the time that's not all they are selling - I think he's dreaming it tho. Then we have a truck - or 2 that cruises thru - the one we hate plays music then stops & says - really loud "HELLO"! We hate that one.
• United States
15 May 07
Love the ice cream truck, especially on a hot summer day. My favorite is an ice cream sandwich.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
15 May 07
The ice cream truck drove by last night. I have never actually flagged it down. I love the sound of them coming up the street. The city council is so backwards in this city they ban them from most of the good beaches. If it was up to me there would be ice cream at every beach all summer long.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 May 07
No and I want one.LOL We had one when I was growing up he would come around every night. It was great. It was Mr. Softy that was the name. He had this certain music and we knew the sound on the truck and we would all go running for some money to buy ice cream.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
14 May 07
We have several that come down the street every day. Its really odd, as there aren't any children near my home. I don't buy ice cream from the trucks, as I'm trying to lose weight.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
14 May 07
We have an ice cream truck that comes round in the summer months and the kids love it. The ice cream trucks here though really pale in comparison to what we used to have when I was a kid growing up in Scotland. The ice cream trucks there sold candy, chocolate, pop and a whole variety of ice cream products. You used to be able to take out your empty soda bottles and get cash for them towards new, I miss those days.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
14 May 07
Yes we do, every second Saturday. We hang out the front like little kids waiting for him.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
14 May 07
We can always hear an ice cream truck when we are outside, especially at night time, but it never comes by our house. We will look and look but never see it, my daughter gets all excited and never get the ice cream because the truck never shows up. I wonder if someone is just playing that kind of music to confuse the little kids?? I don't know it is really weird. I wish it would come by though because that would ne fun to pick out a cool ice cream treat =)
• United States
14 May 07
Chasing the ice cream truck like a raving maniac is one of my all time favorite childhood memories. It was even better when there was a whole herd of us on the same "stop now" quest. There's none in my neighborhood now, though, because we live in the middle of NOWHERE. There's cows, but I'm sure they'd be quite offended if we decided to chase them like raving maniacs.