Have We Lost Our Marbles?:-)

Marbles and Pouch - A selection of marbles and a carrying pouch to put them in.
@Darkwing (21583)
May 26, 2007 10:16pm CST
No, I don't mean are we all crazy... it's just that when I was young I had a plastic jar full of marbles... all different sizes and types. We used to play marbles on the grass, on the pavement... anywhere we could, but I haven't seen the kids playing marbles for years. I wouldn't really have thought anything of it but I was chatting with a friend on IM and saying I thought somebody had lost their marbles, ha ha ha, and they came to mind! Ok... don't say it... yes, I am blonde; I was born blonde and always was blonde, but I'm not daft. You can't pull the wool over my eyes... we are definitely short on our marbles!:-) I used to have white-based ones with different coloured streaks going through them, plain colours, glass ones with a twist of colour through them, fourers, sixers... all kinds. I used to select what I thought were my best, or most impressive from the jar, put them in a little draw-string pouch and cart them off to school, so I could play in the playground at break time. We used to amuse ourselves for hours. But alas, the art of pitching the old marble and going home proudly swinging your marble bag with your winnings you took from the boys in it, are gone! ha ha ha What ever happened to our marbles? Don't the kids know what they're missing out on?
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26 responses
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
27 May 07
I do remember playing marbles with my brother - most of all though I remember the beautiful colours and patterns on the marbles themselves and how they were all unique. Thanks for the memories.
@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Yes, there were lots of different ones. I used to save my pocket money and Dad took me to the toy shop to buy the ones of my choice. I had a great collection. Thank you for your input, and Brightest Blessings.
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• United States
27 May 07
Maybe cos' parents are so concerned that it can become a choking hazzard? But I did grow up playing with marbles. I still have marbles in the home but only use it for decoration. I use them in my vases and in small bowls on the windowsill so it catches the sunlight. I like having them in the house cos' it reminds me of my childhood.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
That's an idea. Mine used to look good in a jar as well. We never choked on them! I know a couple of kids who pushed them up their noses though. Ewwwwwww, painful! Brightest blessings and thank you for your input.
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• United States
27 May 07
I am 22, and when we were younger, we did have marbles. We also played POGS, which nobody plays anymore either......
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
And there were Jacks and Fivestones. I still see Jacks around but they're normally plastic these days, whereas we used to have metal ones. My boys played Pogs. lol. Brightest Blessings.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
27 May 07
Like you I used to enjoy playing Marbles and there where such wonderful colored ones and to be honest I think we have lost the Marbles as I have not seen any for years now I think the Kids today are missing out on so much fun that they could have because they just want to grow up so fast I mean at the age of 12 I was still climbing Trees and playing with Dolls, today they are having Kids at that age So yes I think we have lost our Marbles
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@weemam (13372)
27 May 07
we used to play with skipping ropes and sing one two three alery I spy wallace beery sitting on his bumballerie eating chocolate biscuits
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 May 07
in the determination to get people buying more and more expensive things, we collectively have destroyed childhood. I find this sad
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
I think a lot of those old games we used to play have been taken over by computer games, and hand-held electronic games, as well as mobile phones. You rarely see a kid in the street who knows where he's walking now... he's always concentrating on his hand-held or his mobile. lol. It seems we haven't entirely lost our marbles, and some of these responses have encouraged me to go buy some to present to my grandkids. lol.
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@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
27 May 07
I suppose they are not in demand for games now due to the safety nature if there are very young children about that might swallow them. They used to be a very good game to pass the breaktime away at school and also going home to win a few more before teatime. I used to break up bearings so that we had 'steelies' that would smash the competition with lol. Those were the days.
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@weemam (13372)
27 May 07
we had steelies too dad got them from the coal mines mchines lol , them were the days , I suppose nowadays we have to be careful xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Hey!!! You two are meanies! ha ha ha
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@weemam (13372)
27 May 07
no I shared mine lol xx
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
27 May 07
I played marbles when I was a kid. I am approaching 50 years old this summer. I still have my marbles. I store them in a special ceramic bean pot. My children are not allowed to play with my marbles. They are not even allowed to look at them very often. I suppose that comes from when I was a kid. Marbles were special pieces of art that you could hold in your hand. If you lost one in a game, you might never be able to recover it. Those were the rules and you learned to live by them. So if you had a marble you did not want to part with, you did not put it in the ring and put it at risk of being lost to another player. Now I am just plain overprotective with my marbles. They are a piece of my childhood that my children will have to wait to inherit.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
What a wonderful response, Royal. You painted a wonderful picture with words. They certainly were pieces of art, and sometimes I just used to gaze at them and take in their beauty. They were a far better toy than most others. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your great input.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 May 07
well I am like you I havent seen any played in years! I had steelies and cateyes but dont know where they are now all gone! But I have found some in my yard and wonder if they are being dropped from heaven as you see no kid playing with them! And what about mumbly peg? I used to be good at that too
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 May 07
lol I just find them and not that many so I dont know about sore heads
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
I have to be honest with you, Lakota. I have never heard of mumbly peg? Perhaps that's an idea for you for a discussion? I'm interested at least, in what it entails. Lol at marbles being dropped from heaven. Given back by the earth they were lost in... yes, but I'm not sure about being dropped from heaven. There'd be a few sore heads about. lol.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
28 May 07
I am not sure if we can still find marbles around. I have not seen any so far in any departmental stores. I remember seeing people picking up marbles using chopsticks in telematches.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
They make those wonderful marble runs in Japan as well. I believe there's some sort of championships for that. I think they still make marbles but they're not displayed so prominently these days, Why. As for the chopsticks, I can't even get a piece of chicken to my mouth with those. I use a fork and spoon! lol.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
Yes, I've seen them in England.
@craz2max (254)
• United States
28 May 07
You can still buy marbles in toy stores. I have seen them at walmart.
@mummymo (23706)
28 May 07
I DO remember playing marbles at school although I don't think I was in your league though Darkwing as I never won that many although I did once win the class bullies favourite marble, the pride lasted for weeks! I think marbles are starting to make a comeback in some small way these days although they are hard to find the kids locally here are starting to play with them more and more - lets hope the trnd picks up and grows sweets! xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
Oh yes, let's hope the trend spreads south, Mummymo. I would love to see the kids down here playing marbles again. xx
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
28 May 07
You are so right,Darkwing! Your topic brought back memories of when my brother used to shoot marbles with me. I was so proud that he would take the time (my older sisters never had time for me). I tried introducing my grandsons to them when they were small, but their interest didn't last long. I think the problem is that children have forgotten how to play.
@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
Yes, it's a shame really because we used to get so many hours of amusement out of a bag of marbles. I would love to see it come back. They used to hold competitions in parts of England but I haven't seen anything about them for ages. I don't know whether they're still going or not.
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
28 May 07
I cant remember what happened to my marbles. My mum probably threw them out. I know i had quite a few, my brothers did too. I think i used to pinch some off them sometimes, but being the only girl i got away with it. I can remember playing at school. Our playground was all tar, and there was holes in the ground just for playing marbles. They probably arent there anymore, cause they would be a bit of a tripping hazard. My kids have all gone through stages of marbles, and they still have them, but they havent played with them in quite a while. Its sad that these types of games are fazing out and being overtaken by computer games, playstations, etc. I dont think kids realise what they are missing out on, cause i know that we used to have so much fun when we were younger with all the different games that we played. Best wishes to you and maybe you could get some more marbles and have a game again for old times sake
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
Thank you... yes, a game for old time's sake would be great. Going back to school, I think we made our own holes, lol. It's nice that your kids have marbles even if they don't play with them at the moment, you never know, they might have a sudden urge to start playing again. I hope the game doesn't die out anyway because as you say, all those games we used to play are remembered for their amusement, and they used to keep us outdoors and fit.
@wolves69 (755)
• United States
27 May 07
My daughters came home from school one day asking about marbles. As the missus and I were explaining how to play (neither one of us played "keepers"), the younger daughter went into an old junk box and dug up a small bag full. In it were some of the old polished clay ones that my wife used to find in the garden. Also, were some of the colored ones like you mentioned. Then the oldest decided we could actually play. It sounds strange, but playing marbles has become a little of a family pastime. Each kid (including the boy) has a small bag. And on Friday night, we all play for the right to pick the events for that night. We've been doing this on and off now for three years. BTW: The girls are now 12 and 11 and the boy is 6. When I was growing up, marbles wasn't played, but using the same concept we used to flip baseball cards. Same concept though...
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@wolves69 (755)
• United States
28 May 07
It would be interesting to see if the game continues. I think the basics of kids games will always be there. Marbles are just that...basic, small, and transferable. We had two ways of flipping cards. One was exactly like you described. The other was to stand and let the cards spin to the ground. One person would start by flipping/rolling the cards. Some would come up picture up, the other picture down. The other person would have to match what was on the ground. I learned that one from my Dad, but my boys don't show an interest in sports cards...
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@totty1969 (1468)
• United States
27 May 07
I lost my marbles years ago!! When I was a kid we played marbles. I can't remember what I did with my marbles. I kinda miss those days. I liked shooting marbles.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
Lol... I think I remember handing mine down to my kids but what happened to them after that, I'm not quite sure. Perhaps they weren't too good at the game and lost them to opponents. They did buy some of their own though... I'll give them that! I wonder where on earth your marbles went. ;-p
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• United States
27 May 07
Haha..i used to play this alot..but now stopped it..all the marbles I had collected..I gave it to a kid who likes playing with them..yea..it was killa fun !!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 May 07
i once had a large collection of marbles, where they go i know not. However, i suspect they are recycled. A few months ago i went on a shopping expidition with my two young children and rapidly gravitated to a local toy shop. Endless fascination to my kids. Well, they both wanted their spending money so they could get rid of it as quickly as possible and armed with it, they procededed to view the vast array of toys on display. Imagine my shock when they emerged a good 20 minits later armed with nothing more than a bag of marbles each. They have had hours of fun simply playing old games that have been part of childhood for thousands of years blessed be
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Kids are amazing, aren't they? They always do just what you don't expect of them, and it shows how fascinating marbles can be. Toys are certainly not what they used to be, that's for sure. The kids have to save forever to buy them and then get bored with them in very little time. I think the marbles will probably prove a good choice by them.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 May 07
At our school, the boys wouldn't let the girls play. :( I used to play with my lil bro at home but if I won he would cry and tell Mum I took his marbles...the little sook. Dad would occasionally have one go to show us how it was done but we really didn't know how to play properly. I think the reason I didn't insist in joiing in at school was because I didn't want to loose my marbles. :) Now that I'm grown up(?) I like to play Solitaire with a wooden board and marbles. This game used to sit on a stand with other knick knacks in the lounge room near my front door. My then partner had a 6 yr old son who would come stay with us on alternate weekends. Imagine my horror when I look out the front door one day to see what he's doing and he has a sling shot (!!!) and a pocketful of marbles (mine) which he is catapaulting two houses away. His Dad walloped him and the kid never liked me after that. His dad took the slingshot away from him and gave it to his Mum when he took him home. She gave it back to her son. Go figure.
@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Awwwwww, did you go and ask for your marbles back from your neighbours, or did you hear a tinkle or two? Little so-and-so though... that's dangerous. Ok, Gabs used to fire acorns from elastic, at her brother but marbles from a slingshot? My goodness! The mother was responsible, wasn't she? NOT!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
27 May 07
Alas, I keep having to replace my marbles.. My whole family plays with 'em still..young, old..we don't care. We've always liked 'em. We tend to get them at flea markets. At one of ym favorite's, there's a vendor who only sells glass items..and one or two tables in his booth are completely marbles. All different kinds too. Sadly, we only know one game with marbles that we overplay when we do have them..but I like simply looking at marbles, even if I'm not playing.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Oh wow... I'd love to visit that flea market. I agree, they're quite fascinating things to look at, especially the glass ones with the twist of colour inside. How do they get that in there? lol. It sounds as though marbles are quite a family tradition with you Para, and long may they reign! :-)
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@anonymili (3138)
28 May 07
Awh what a sweet discussion to start. I haven't seen my marbles for years, erm I mean I haven't seen anyone's marbles for years. I think we all lost 'em good and proper! It's such a shame as it was such a delightful way for kids to pass time and they really were so pretty to look at! Kids of today are so much more into their Gameboys or PS3s or Xbox or just plain old mobile phones are more important than real kiddy stuff like playing with marbles. x
@Darkwing (21583)
28 May 07
Yes, they are and I agree it's a crying shame that we no longer see the kids playing marbles on the streets. I believe they still have the big marble construction competitions in Japan though. They've very clever those Japanese... they can create such intricate contraptions, the like of which I have never seen anywhere else.
• United States
27 May 07
I use to love playing with marble when l was a child. I carried mine around in a crown royal bag,l loved all different sizes and colors. I think there is so many electronic toys and video game out there,that makes marbles look boring. Kids would have to go outside to play with marbles, and it seems a lot of kids are stuck inside the house attached at the hip to these video games.
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Yes, it's quite true what you say. I wonder if they have a video marble game. lol. I think marbles was a very popular game years ago. If you didn't have marbles, you weren't an "In" kid. :-) Thank you for your input Life, and Brightest Blessings.
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@Katali (63)
• United States
27 May 07
Thank you for taking me back to my childhood! I played with marbles. I collected marbles and was delighted if I found one at random that I could add to my collection. Oh and let's not forget the game of Chinese checkers where marbles were involved. In my day we used imagination and a simple object such as a marble could create all kinds of fun. I still pretty much maintain that mindset, thus the reason I find pleasure in simple things. I say - find your marbles people lol
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@Darkwing (21583)
27 May 07
Great response Katali. I hope to find my marbles soon! lol. Chinese checkers was a good game as well, as despite its simplicity it was quite strategic. I think the kids today still use their imagination quite a lot, but I think electronics have taken over. They have their computer games, hand-held games and their mobile phones have games on them, which leaves little time for adventure or fun with a simple thing like marbles.
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