The MIL again!!!

@stacyv81 (5903)
United States
June 24, 2007 12:36pm CST
Oh, my goodness, my mother in law~ So, she calls last week and says she is coming into town and maybe she can watch the kids, Friday or Saturday night for us, while she is here. I say ok. So, she comes Thursday, and I tell her maybe instead of Friday or Saturday night, she can watch them Saturday during the day, she says ok. She spends some time with us, and leaves, calls me Friday to "vent" about a situation with her lawyer, I am supportive. Saturday rolls around, and she doesnt show up, my guys brother calls and says their mom says she needs to talk to her therapist before she can watch the kids my guy gets a little ticked as she is just being that way lately. So, he is upset with her, today he goes over to pick his brother up from his house(where his mom is staying) and she starts yelling at him about how no one likes her, people couldnt care less about her, .... so, now, she gets what she wants. She is so manipulative and turns everything she does into a pity party and then they just give in and she is happy, This is very irritating! Sorry, thanks for letting me vent! =)
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15 responses
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Have you given consideration to the idea your MIL might be bi-polar? There may be a medical reason her moods and emotions are all over the map. It may be more than just manipulating people to do your bidding. Suggest your guy and his brother take their mother to the doctor for a full check up.
• United States
25 Jun 07
I have the Big Book also. Sadly, you and your family may have to intervene or send her to rehab if the problems get too bad. We had to send two family members to rehab for a month each. It really does help a lot. Hang in there. You always have me to talk to about this issue. Peace be with you.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
she goes to the doctor every single month. She has neck problems and she sees a chiropracter and three other doctors, one of them being a psychiatrist and one being a general practice doctor. She is being seen by everyone. She is manipulative, she is a recovering alchoholic, and she loves to play the victim and blame everyone else for her mistakes. If she knows someone is mad at her, she just gets mad at them to take the emphasis off of her. Trust me she gets checked out all the time and Bi-polar has been ruled out as well as numerous other things.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
yes I know all of this I have the "Big book" at my house as well as a couple of others, she is just stuck in her maipulative, playing the victim roles, and she is not drinking anymore. Thanks for the info =)
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@ckj6981 (194)
• Singapore
25 Jun 07
I think most MIL is the same. Think my MIL worst than urs. My MIL can keep mention that she got no money to spend, but when we give her she will give the money to my sister in-law(my husband elder sis). 1 mth can ask more than S$2K. If not, she will says something very irritating such as - My son dun care me anymore, only listen to his wife.....
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Oh, yes, my guys brother went on a fishing trip (commercial) and made about $2,000, when he got back she kept hitting him up for money and when she comes she is always asking for things, she got mad because my guys brother wouldnt buy her whatever she wanted to eat at the movies and was mad because he didnt pay her way in. She feels very entitled to the money her sons make,... she makes it hard to be generous you know? It isnt pleasant to buy things for someone who just expects you too. I mean it isnt like she did that for them when they were younger. =)
@ckj6981 (194)
• Singapore
25 Jun 07
WHY we have such mother in-law?? No matter how bad she is, we still need to tolerance.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Jun 07
It's good to vent and rage, much more preferable to do it on this medium than in person! I was always lucky with mother in laws, it was just the partner I was unlucky with LOL! I was always treated like a son. I have heard some really horrific MIL stories. I hate manipulative people they are just bullies.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I know it saddens me that my guy just lets her get away with it & doenst see it... thanks!=)
@axter69 (379)
25 Jun 07
He sees it, just to him its his mother and he can't bring him self to say anything. Belive me I have been in the same shoes with my mother and wife. you just have to step up and say this is my family now mother move aside and keep your nose out. your going to make mistakes every one does but as long as you learn there is no harm done.
25 Jun 07
I know the type. You know I hate my mother in law because she gave my wife and I an hard time. Actually her whole family are nuts and I don't mean, just a bit. (they're potty) But back to yours. I'm sorry to hear this and venting is always a good thing :) Chin up, ~Joey
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I feel so bad for you as pretty much my guys family is nuts as well =)
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Oh my gosh, do we have the same MIL? Mine lives 500 miles away and is STILL a thorn in my side. We went home last week for my daughter's wedding, we made plans to go see my in-laws on Sunday for Father's Day, because we didn't go till around lunch time, she kept saying over and over that she thought we weren't coming, that she though we had forgotten all about her and on and on and on. Then for four hours we had to listen about all her aches and pains and illnesses. I was really glad to finally get out of there. My FIL is very ill, and she just kept asking us what she would do if something happens to him, my husband told her she could move in with us. Just shoot me now!
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
oh! MY MIL lived with us for a while, we didnt have children then and we liked to go out for dinner, so rarely did we have much food at home, she said in front of all his friends, "you arent a man you cant even put food in the refrigerator." We liked to eat out, our lifestyle at the time was just like that, Her living with us.....bad idea!
• United States
25 Jun 07
OMG! I think our MIL's are twins! Mine does that exact same thing. It makes me absolutely nutty! If people don't do what she wants, she does this guilt trip thing and nags and gripes until people finally can't stand it any more and cave to her. But she is figuring out that her little guilt trips don't work on me, so she may as well save her breath! The real problem is that my in-laws live just 5 minutes away, so i have to deal with it all the time.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
yes the fact that her little fits do not work on me infiriate (sp?) her! She drives me nuts! I am lucky that she has moved about an hour away, but she used to be real close, and is planning on moving closer again! What did we do to deserve this? I know, we loved someone whos had this type of mother...What do ya do?
@sanell (2112)
• United States
24 Jun 07
OH you are telling me, I have hadd that happen to me a lot lately. My sister said I guilted her into babysitting at the last minute...So here is the story. I call my dad because my guy was whining about wanting to go see a movie and how we have not seen one ina lng time. So I called my dad he only lives one mile from me seeing if at last minute if he can sit for us. well my sister was in town and he said to call her first and he can help if she was willing to also help. So I went over there to check in and see. It was 4 when I went over there. She said it depended on whether or not she was meeting one of her friends up on the hill. I said that it was no big deal and that I knew it was last minute. then I made a stupid comment about how she has her priorities but then I started to laugh and say OH no that is not true, she is very good with the girls I know she needs to see her friends so it is cool... I drove away. She called insistant that we leave the house and she will watch the girls for a couple of hours (This was at 5pm) So I called her back saying that we did not need her to come we could not find a movie worth going and seeing and she just kept on it...No just take advantage of I said well okay why don't you just come on over and we will go from there. Well she said she would be at my house in like 15 minutes (This was 5:30pm now) 6 goes by, no response, 6:30 goes by no response so I called her to find out what had happened. She had a friend over and that friend was supposed to have left at 4:30 but they got into talking big deal....She calls me back at 7pm says she is on her way...not 5 minutes later she calls me back and says her friend is coming up to the restaurant so she is not going to be able to watch the girls and that I shouuld not be mad at her....well that annoyed me. We got into a stupid fight. it was dumb anyway.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
24 Jun 07
How frustrating to have someone in your life who has to make everything about them. I have similar problems, so I can commiserate.
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
24 Jun 07
omg, how annoying, u should tell ur hubby not to fall for that! my mil tries that too, but my husband already learned not to fall for that instead he tells her oh ur the victim huh! everyone's out to get u! he he! but when i got prego at 17, my mil and my hubby had got kicked out of their house and asked if they could move in with us at my moms house. my mom agreed, after 1 mo. of living there she found a place and i asked my hubby (bf at the time) if he would stay living with me, he asked his mom and his mom said i'm gonna be all by myself i'll be scared. so he told me no, so i had a fit, i said i'm pregnant w/ ur baby and u're worried about ur mom, she has 4 other boys who can live with her but she doesn't want them. so he agreed and from then on i knew wut influence i had on his decisions. good luck, i coached my friend into teaching her man that her feelings should be more important then his mom's feelings.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
24 Jun 07
yes I try to tell my guy that too, but he has learned that he needs to be on my side, but he just likes to keep the peace but its like, what about my peace? I didnt ask for this, this came in the package of getting him, but he should be the one having to deal with it, not me, but somehow I always end up in the middle
• Philippines
24 Jun 07
You have not mentioned if your MIL is single. Perhaps she is just lonely and craves for love and attention. Or maybe she is menopausing.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
no, she has a boyfriend that she lives with.
• Canada
25 Jun 07
Venting is good we all need to take the time to do this from time to time when something is bothering us . Thank goodness my mother in law is not like this as I wouldn't know how to put up with it . It sounds like she has a lot of issues she needs to deal with and being manipulative is working so well for her because it sounds like the family is willing to back down to make her happy all the time . You should tell your husband to not let her get away with this all the time just to see what she would do if she did not get her own way . This is not right to you or to any of the family .
@fizzytom (752)
• Maribor, Slovenia
24 Jun 07
No, feel free to vent. My mother in law has the same effect on me. After any contact with her I feel the need to spend about ten minutes having a good rant and another calming down. For me the reasons are different but no less annoying. You have my deepest sympathy
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
24 Jun 07
thank you! It does do some good! =)
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
24 Jun 07
My own mom can be the same way about things. One year she was having a fit about how no one does anything special for her one loves her as much...she doesn't my dad gave my sister over $500 to plan a big surprise party. My mom found out and then had a fit that she didn't like surprises...didn't like attention...didn't want that much money spent on her. So the party got scaled back a little bit, she got to be more involved in the planning and everything seemed alright. Then when it got right up to the week and last few days before it she started complaing AGAIN about how nothing was the way she wanted it...she'd rather call it all off...didn't want any part of it... We didn't know what to do anymore so we just kept busting our you know whats to make it as good as we possibly could. The day of the party came, it rained, practically ruined the whole thing and she did all the "I told you so's" and then was miserable for weeks that WE had gotten her so excited about this party only to have it ruined, just like everything else her life...she never gets anything nice...nothing works out for her....and so on. The next year, she started going on and on about how much fun her party had been and how she'd love to have another one! We didn't and she was miserable about that too but we knew she'd be miserable either way.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
25 Jun 07
omg! sounds just like her! I feel for you on that! =)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 07
It is funny that most of the MIL stories sound alike. I am not married yet but reading stories like these does make me phobia whenever i am meeting my bf's mum.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I hope for your sake your bfs mom is kind, loving & great! =)
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I am so sorry that you have to deal with such a manupulative person in your life....