What are you going to do with mylot earnings..??

August 4, 2007 8:53am CST
It cant be used for a living as it is a small amount only...some use mylot just for fun and take earnings as bonuses.....some others have no idea what to do... I have planned to buy a good earphone probably sennheiser and a memory card for my mobile....although i can ask my parents for it,i think i will earn this myself...
6 responses
• United States
30 Jun 08
Thats good idea nokia.Atleast u buy something that you dont need to ask to your mom.Goodluck!
• United States
14 Apr 08
I am just going to use my earnings to go twords maybe something extra I want or just save it I am not sure.
@oliverdt (1958)
• Philippines
16 Jan 08
Discussions are fun, earnings well it depends on us if we can make $30 every day thats great. But its impossible to achieved. I will put my earnings in my bank together with my other Money making programs. It's difficult to save money if you just rely on mylot. You need other sites to earn more.
• China
5 Aug 07
Yes,it can't be used for a living,but it can make your life a lot of funny.we can use this dollars to buy somtthing we like.anyway that's the money we earned.I want to buy a televison.Oh!It may take me on year to do hard at mylot.have a good luck.wish you all the best:D
• Philippines
16 Jan 08
Well since I'm new here I will gonna buy some remembrance of my first earning in mylot. And maybe the next earning I will save it.
• Canada
25 Jan 08
It will get added to my paypal acct until it's enough to withdraw and then be used in our debt reduction plan. We will be debt free by summer 2009!!!!