unhealthy Triglyceride levels

@tiggyann (614)
United States
August 9, 2007 5:51am CST
Well the tests come back and my husbands triglyceride level was at 1963.....I'm serious. The nurse said when the tube of blood became room temperature, his blood turned white. the nurse said it was pure grease. the nurse told me she has never in her life seen someone with such high triglyceride levels in her life! :( It's from his daily lunches, everyday he ate fast food and I'm convinced this will kill you! So another few months of this and he could have been dead! not good. :( was just wondering if anyone on here knows what the healthy triglyceride levels are and good foods to bring his levels down fast. He's got to get some of the grease out of his blood before he has a heart attack.
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3 responses
@GardenGerty (159024)
• United States
9 Aug 07
If he is following the diabetic guidelines, your husband's triglycerides should respond as well. I was told that often elevated triglycerides is a first indicator that the patient should look for diabetes. Reduce both sugar and fat in the diet, eat high fiber, oatmeal, apples (with peels on) Lean proteins, reduce the amount of cheese is what I was told. You need to find foods that he enjoys though, because he will not eat things that taste and feel like cardboard. I hope that you continue to have success in helping him modify his diet.
@tiggyann (614)
• United States
9 Aug 07
well this is good, I do have him on whole grains foods. He gets oatmeal at breakfast before he heads off to work, I have him eating oatmeal as his snack before he goes to bed. Doing away with cheese till he gets rid of some of the grease in his blood. I think this has really scared the crap out of him, for real. He is refusing to eat the bad stuff right now, cause like he told me he wants to live alittle longer and he can't if he doesn't stop eating what is killing him! And I have not seen him eat these fatty foods and nobody from work has ratted him out yet, so guess he is listening to me and the doctors.
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
11 Aug 07
Hey ta, My man had high cholestorol once & the dr's wanted to put him on meds for it but instead he decided to go on a baked fish diet for a while & now his cholestorol is okay HTH +'s
• United States
9 Aug 07
I am sorry to hear that I take fishoil to help reduce all the fat in the fatty foods I also take green tea dietary supplement to help and I also take Vitiamn b12 which is good for your heart please let me know if these helps it has me