Travel to UK

August 11, 2007 7:54am CST
i will be travelling to UK for 1 month plus at the end of the year and spending my Christmas there. To be exact I will stay at Burnley, Lancashire. Anybody in UK can suggest where should I visit ..What is the best and cheapest way to move around UK ? Any nice local food that I should try? Any suggestions what and where to go during Christmas? What should I do to get the best value for my money while in UK since the exchange rate is super high for us - 1 sterling pound = 7 Ringgit Malaysia
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4 responses
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
12 Aug 07
I hope that you will really enjoy your trip to the UK. I suggest bringing or buying once there some warm clothes. The fastest way to go from city to city like Leeds to London for example would be by train. The intercity trains can be very fast. Look at the Virgin Trains website after you work out your dates. That way you can take advantage of cheap fares. National Express is a coach service and it has reasonable prices. In Lancashire Lytham St Anne's is a very pleasant area for a stroll by the side of pretty Fairhaven Lake, going to the bird center and seeing the lovely old white windmill. A trip to the glorious Lake District might be delightful for you. The old city of York might be worth you exploring as well.
• Malaysia
12 Aug 07
Hi maximax8 Thanks a lot for your advice and info . I will definitely bring some warm and thick clothings with me since it will be winter by then . Just hope that the weather will not be cruel by then ..can't help to travel at that time since that is the only time we have long school holiday. People will saying that weather in UK will be gloomy at that time of the year..and daylight is short too..but what to do that is the only time I can go.. I will definitely check out Virgins Trains and National Express cos every pound saved = RM 7 for me . Just by reading your description of Lancashire makes me feel that I want to be there right see and take pictures of St Anne's , Fairhaven Lake ,the bird center and windmill since up till now I had only seen windmill from pictures and television...have never seen a real one... Thanks again. Cheers.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
13 Aug 07
I am very happy that I was able to help you. I am sure that you will have a great time in the UK.
• China
5 Sep 07
How I envy you! I wish one day I would have the opportunity to go to UK, too. There are some places I highly desire to visit. One is the famous Hyde Park, which is said to be abundant of speeches. Any one can adress a speech there with a small stool, it is said. And I would like to see that with my own eys and listen with my own ears. And Cambridge and Oxford are surely the places that is worth visiting. It is there where has a long history of excellent ecucation and produce lots of excellent people of letters, of science and also of politics.
• Malaysia
6 Sep 07
Hi Michelle, no need to envy me..cos it is also a once in a life time trip for me since my son is in UK so we can save on accomodations and food. Dream and works towards it and I am sure you too will one day be able to go there too. Regards: chris
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
11 Aug 07
What are you interested in? The uk is a very diverse and variable place, you can see almost anything you want, just depends where your major interests lie. For example, are you interested in history or modern stuff, fine art or shopping? The UK can be cheap if you are prepared to work at it and make loads of contacts before you go rather than buying wyhatever you first see
• Malaysia
11 Aug 07
I am interested in nature, history, parks , theme parks for excitement, food and lots of shopping with tight budget of course.. . any recommendation ? I plan to visit Bradford, Manchester, Leeds and London during my one month stay there. Any other cities that is highly recommended ..places that I must visit. This is my first trip to UK and also my dream trip too since it is once in a life time trip for me.
@rosie_123 (6113)
12 Aug 07
Hi Chris. Well like anywhere, it will depend on the amount of time you have, the money you have available, and what you are interested in. I live in London, so of course I'm going to say you can't come to the UK without visiting our capital city - even if for only one or two nights. Once here, you can see the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace, as well as visiting the famous Oxford Street and Regent Street, which will all be lit up with the Christmas lights at that time of year. Try and take in a show in the West End while you are down here. I don't know the Burnley area very well, but I guess a trip to nearby Liverpool would be nice, so you could visit the Beatles' Museum and the old Cavern Club where the Beatles started out, or maybe to Manchester which is also close to Burnley, and has a great nightlife with clubs and bars. And if you like countryside and walking, go to the Yorkshire Dales or the Pennines, or to the Snowdonia area of North Wales, all of which are quite close to where you will be staying. A couple of things to remember - it will be cold! It will be mid-Winter here in England and the north is always colder than the South where I live. Also, if you can, book travel journeys in advance, because Christmas gets really busy on the buses and the trains, with the University and School holidays starting, and people travelling home to their families for the holiday period. Buses are usually cheaper than trains, but the journeys are much slower. And above all - welcome to my country and have fun!
• Malaysia
12 Aug 07
Wow... that is nice. Since I have a whole month there , i will definitely make a trip to London . To save cost I plan to find bed and breakfast accomodation in London . Before I started this discussion on Mylot , I was thinking to myself whole month in Burnley ...what am I going to do? Now, thanks to people like you all I have more and more ideas of where to go while there. My itinerary is now getting longer and longer. Thanks buddies for the info, this will definitely be the best holiday of a lifetime for me. Cheers