What do you find worse than a barking dog?

United States
September 19, 2007 11:25am CST
I mean really what do you find worse than a barking dog.. For me it's panting when they act like they are all hot and non stop panting, you try to get them to go outside but they run in another direction.. Sometimes right before I go to sleep I really need to tell my dog to shut up because thats all she does is pant all night.. She has water so I know she's not thirsty.. What makes dogs do that non stop? Anyone know?
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18 responses
@peaceful (3294)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Since dogs don't have sweat glands like us, they cool themselves by aspiration or panting... also since dogs are a lot smarter than Humans think they are, they will also learn to over-do a habit if they think that it annoys you... it gets them attention, even negative attention, which they crave... Some dog breeds are natural smart-a**es and some are clowns- dogs have personalities and moods and varying levels of sanity and insanity just like us... and I love them all dearly! :) Dogster for you: http://www.dogster.com Maybe you'll get some good advice over there for your situation... Good luck! :)
• United States
20 Sep 07
If dogs were so much smarter than us than why do they eat wrappers and things like that or dig in the garbages? I mean we have a dog I don't know the breed cause it's really not mine it's our landlords and this dog does just that.. But she runs after empty wrappers and that makes them smarter than us.. I don't understand it and really I don't think they are smarter than us..Just my oppion of course.. Thanks for you reply!
@peaceful (3294)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I meant that dogs are a lot smarter than we Humans, actually give them credit for... like us they do have a capacity for learning things, even if they are the wrong things, like chasing empty wrappers and stuff! :)
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
19 Sep 07
My dogs are always licking and nibbling on themselves...It drives me bonkers...Dogs pant because it is the only way they have to cool down..They can't sweat like we can..
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Sep 07
Same here! I hate that noise when they are licking away! It's gross! My hubby laughs at me when he sees me making faces and says "He's only doing that cause he doesn't have thumbs honey" UGH! That makes it worse! Yuck!
• United States
20 Sep 07
Als that's funny... How ever that is annoying also that's for sure... It would be ok if they weren't so loud I mean geesh don't they know what privacy means? I really don't think they care either what they do as long as they get there things done.. Thank the both of you for your replies!!
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• United States
19 Sep 07
Arrghh!! Mine does that too. And I know she's only doing it to get my attention. She doesn't bark or yelp or anything...but pant REALLY loud...and REALLY close to me to get my attention. Once I give her the attention, she stops doing it. It's SO annoying. Usually, I just ignore her cos' I don't want her to think that that is the only way to get my attention. The other annoying thing she likes to do is to lick herself continuously...very loudly!! And she likes to do this in the middle of the night lying next to my bed. Arrgghh!!
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• United States
20 Sep 07
Mine does that exact same thing, She tries to get attention from my hubby by panting loud as i tell him that's her way of doing things, he does agree with me so he won't give her the attention.. He does tell her to go and lay down of course that don't work either so he puts her outside.. She does have plenty of water and things so really there is no reason for her to do that.. Thanks for your reply!
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
What is worse than a barking dog for me? Ahhhmm lemmie think.. (Pause) Well, i find those 10babies that crying at the same time and nobody can stop them. That would be so noisy and if i am in that situation, i really don't know what should i do. I mean, i had experience to witness myself those 5babies in the nursery room when i had my OJT in hospital and there was 5 babies crying all at the same time. It was really noisy and it was hardly can't stop them that easy. So what more to have 10 crying babies at the same time? OMG i would freak out maybe! LOL Have a nice day wisconsin... Kiko
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• United States
20 Sep 07
Aww Vash they are just hungry and want loving that's all.. But yeah I think 10 babies crying all at the same time might be.. But they have reason a dog barking for no reason just plain annoys me... Thanks for your reply! You have a great day also!!!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
19 Sep 07
I thought that was the way dogs sweat. I am not sure, but I have heard that. They sweat threw their toung, so they pant. And for the original question.....I think that a dogs barking is the worst! I'd rather have panting than barking.
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• United States
20 Sep 07
Well if that's the case than I am glad I'm not a dog I'd have my tounge out all the time mainly in the summer when it's really hot and I'm all sweaty.. Thanks for your reply!
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• India
20 Sep 07
i feel bad when i see the dog wanting to scratch it's sself where it cant reach and some times rolling on it's back. smiles, apple.
• United States
22 Sep 07
That annoys you apple, umm how about reach down and scratch it for them they would love you forever...lol So sorry but I just had too say that.. Have a great day Apple!
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Sep 07
Aww your so cute Apple... And you too are a very kind person! Happy Posting!
• India
22 Sep 07
you are right, i do that sometimes, you are so kind too. good , keep it up. very happy apple.
@pendragon (3349)
• United States
19 Sep 07
Yakking humans are much worse.Is the dog overweight or having a kidney issue?Maybe they should see a vet.
• United States
20 Sep 07
She's not over weight or at least I don't think so.. She does have a kidney problem i mean she's always licking herself that's another thing that annoys me.. You'd be laying there and all you hear is that... It's sick almost like go do that else where.. She does take medication from the vet also but it sometimes don't seem to be helping.. Thanks for your reply!
@pendragon (3349)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Anytime.Good luck with her.Maybe turn on a radio like one does when their car makes an annoying sound,lol. :)
@runsgame (2031)
• India
20 Sep 07
u will never find any thing whic is worse than a barking dog. i am sure in this
• United States
22 Sep 07
As I've been reading a few people actually have, so yes there is and I do agree with alot of the replies I got and thank you for yours!
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
19 Sep 07
What do I find to be worse than a barking dog??? A drooling dog....a snoring hubby....a neighbor plowing the field in the middle of the night....teenagers asking for money.....teenagers on the phone for hours. Ok, that is enough. LOL
• United States
20 Sep 07
Very good answer... I think all those would annoy me as well... I know when it does for sure when my hubby snores at night also.. You know you kick them a bit than kinda wake up and back to snoring he goes.. I give up on it... Thanks for the reply!!
• United States
19 Sep 07
Maybe he has asthma??? No? Maybe? Anyway...I have a cat and I really find it extremely annoying when he meaws repeatedly. He meaws way too much! It drives me insane!
• United States
20 Sep 07
My mommma cat had kittens about 2-3 months ago and there is a kitten that does just that.. She wants attention if she wants it she knows how to get it too.. The only way to stop her from the constant meowing is to hold her and pet her..there has been many times I've had to put her outside because she just won't stop no matter how much attention she's getting... Thanks for your reply!
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
26 Sep 07
Let it know that every dog in Lord's house think himself like a tiger. But the true fact is that is really a dog. This is also applicable for a class for people..!!
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
26 Sep 07
So ugly that is ... mistakes never return beauty.
@sis_syuku (165)
• Indonesia
19 Sep 07
Construction works at night in your neighborhood when you are trying to sleep after a long hours of works and stress. Did that ever happend to you? It was really really irritating and absolutely annoying.
• United States
20 Sep 07
Nope! I can't say I ever have sense I don't live in the city or in town.. It's so peaceful in the country at night so you don't have to hear things like that.. One time when I was in a bigger city which was about 2 years ago I went to visit my hubbies mom and the traffic and noise was unreal.. I couldn't sleep cause of it and I was so happy when I got home I must of slept for about 12 hours just because I was so tired from no sleeping being in the city... Thanks for your reply!
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Sep 07
What's worse than a barking dog? I think a crying, screaming child having a temper tantrum is much worse.
• United States
20 Sep 07
Yes but you can stop that from happening, A barking dog you really can't unless you actually go out and see what's going on and to find out they are barking at nothing... Nothing worse than that...
@steve9737 (918)
• Colombia
19 Sep 07
I think something even more worse than a barking dog would be a lot of barking dogs, you know that some people have more than one dog or in the night when just a dog start to barking it seems like all the dog in the neighborhood start to do the same thing, I think a good way to make your do stop to barking would be getting tired her in the day so in the night she only will want to sleep.
• United States
20 Sep 07
Yes that would be a good way but the only problem is dogs sleep all the time kind of like cats non stop.. But with the dogs barking at night and than other people do as well that does get annoying... My neighbor has 8 dogs and they used to do that all the time when we first moved here.. It must of really annoyed them cause I haven't heard the dogs in a long long time so it's nice and peaceful... Thanks for your reply!
@nill_07 (1104)
• Bangladesh
26 Sep 07
Let it know that every dog in it's Lord's house think himself like a tiger. But the true fact is that is really a dog. This is also applicable for a class for people..!!
• United States
20 Sep 07
A whining one. :) Georgia the basset is the whiniest dog I know. If "papa" is outside and she's not, if he's up and she's still in her crate(she sleeps in a crate at night), if you have pizza and she doesn't, and often for no obvious reason at all-she has this reedy little super-annoying whimper she can employ almost nonstop-not a typical dog's begging whine-but an almost quiet one that grows and grows under your skin...And I know she's doing it on purpose; she stops-for a while-when she's told to. :)
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Dog-wise, I hate when my dog gets on a nibbling/licking himself binge. He will nibble, lick, then snort because his nose is covered by his own body and that can go on all night sometimes. He doesn't have fleas so I have no idea why he does that but I go crazy. He sleeps in my bed so all I hear is nibble,licklicklick, nibble, snort (repeat all night). I think it is the only time I tell him to cut out what he is doing. I would be somewhat concerned if he panted a lot. I was a vet's assistant and usually that meant more than just an attempt to gain attention. They can have fevers and actually feel very warm inside and pant like we sweat. If your dog keeps it up, I would see a vet to be sure it isn't something medical. It's unusual for dogs to do that for attention and uncomfortable for them. Other than dog stuff, I HATE when my neighbor mows his lawn directly outside of my bedroom window at 8 a.m on Sunday. There really should be a law against that. I have sworn silently at him for years because of it. I hate noise like that when I am sleeping and I go to bed very late, sometimes 6 a.m. so an 8 a.m. Sunday wake up call is not welcome especially by way a souped up lawn mower that seems like it is in my head and not outside.
• United States
19 Sep 07
What do i find worse than a barking dog? One that never stop barking.
• United States
20 Sep 07
Ha ha although it's very true.. It makes you wonder sometimes what they are really barking at mainly when you don't see anything around mine do that alot soon enough though they do go find a place to go and lay down and stop...Thanks for your reply!